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  1. mamakush

    Best LED's for 2013

    ^^^^^ Those are crazy! Interesting concept with the mirror reflectors. I wonder if one could accomplish the same with white walls or whether that would absorb some of the white... I would like more information on the spectrum before judging, but it's definitely different!
  2. mamakush

    Anyone try these bad boys 800watt 5 Watt leds

    I'm not convinced those UVB bulbs are really going to do anything. Yes, there is research proving that plants subject to UVB radiation produce more THC. However, there are also studies that show that mildly drought-stressing your plants will also increase resin (as an anti-dessication self...
  3. mamakush

    Can I overdo the LEDs?

    Just to be clear, the dimensions of the floor are 4x4? If so, I would shoot for around 700 watts, a little more would be perfect. Play around with the height of your LED lights to make sure you're getting good penetration and footprint. I like 20" for flower, and my buds are pretty solid.
  4. mamakush

    Swapping to led's. Some advice would be good

    Make sure you're picking something with a decent spectrum (not just red and blue), and check on warranty. That's one of my big qualms with buying stuff straight from China... generally the spectrum has no research behind it, and cheap parts and no warranty are a very, very bad combination...
  5. mamakush

    MamaKush First Post-Prop 64 Journal ; Soil Under BlackDogLED

    Thanks, Greenhorn. Do you have any problems with mould? Do you use any mechanical means to dry them? I'm in CO so I usually have problems with low humidity if anything. It's just amazing that trimmed buds can put out so much moisture.
  6. mamakush

    Led Users Unite!

    This statement requires qualifications; 6 bands sound well and good, but unless they're 6 wavelengths that are useful to a plant, they aren't going to do shit. Waste of energy. Going start to finish under LED I'll give you... there's definitely an adjustment period. But it's important to...
  7. mamakush

    Fat and wide

    Are you checking your ppm and pH? That can really affect nutrient uptake and overall plant health.
  8. mamakush

    MamaKush First Post-Prop 64 Journal ; Soil Under BlackDogLED

    Random observation: my buds are taking longer than normal to dry this round. Could be because I had a substantially larger harvest than usual? It definitely feels humid in my grow. As long as they don't mould we're good, just thought I'd share :)
  9. mamakush

    Plant photonics - perpetual grow - - - (hopefully:)

    Nice crystals. Definitely filling out nicely.
  10. mamakush

    MamaKush First Post-Prop 64 Journal ; Soil Under BlackDogLED

    Finally! I have something to show you all. Last weekend I pulled down 8 plants for harvest and took some pictures along the way. Here is my flower area before removing the plants. I think you can tell which are about to go... A close up of the girls on their way out. I run a ~10 week cycle...
  11. mamakush

    MamaKush First Post-Prop 64 Journal ; Soil Under BlackDogLED

    Hey Pazzo, sorry to hear about your house, but glad you're onto other good things. I visit RMHO quite a bit for my growing needs, they're right in Boulder. The company whose lights I use is also right in Boulder, and I know they really like local business, so that's always worth a visit.
  12. mamakush

    Area 51 AF-135 pics

    How far along are these ladies, if you don't mind my asking?
  13. mamakush

    Anyone else using Kessil LED Lights?

    These things baffle me, they're so small. Just out of curiosity because I've never seen them in use, do you need one per plant? Two per plant? The spectrum can't be that diverse, it's such a small unit...
  14. mamakush

    LED light discussions and experiences

    23% is pretty high for the entire country, from what I understand. I bet it was a Diesel or derivative. They're always a good bet for max THC.
  15. mamakush

    Plant photonics - perpetual grow - - - (hopefully:)

    Loving the Budrobe, very classy. I'll be keeping an eye on this. Is this your first time growing Vanilla Kush? Is it as magically delicious as it sounds?
  16. mamakush

    Bagseed Reveg - 28watts of LED

    Nice save from the compost pile, what a funny thing to find. Nature is amazing, that's for sure. Have you plugged your light into a Kill a Watt? I haven't seen any laid out like that and I'm curious how much power each diode is really pumping out. It's smaller than your average unit, it seems...
  17. mamakush

    what will happen first?

    Also, have you been everywhere? The majority of people are too wrapped up in their own personal silliness... smart phones, tablets, facebook... Three times this week I've seen women driving with their rearview mirror angled so they could look at their own reflection rather than behind them where...
  18. mamakush

    What are you planting in your garden 2013

    Don't even get me started on gold courses.... what a horrible monoculture they are! Just a giant lawn...
  19. mamakush

    Growing Edible Mushrooms for CO2 in same room

    One thing to keep in mind is that the substrate in which you're growing the mushrooms needs to be kept pretty damp. I say as long as you make sure the substrate you're using, as well as whatever inoculant you use is clean so that you're not introducing any nasties into your grow, and you do keep...
  20. mamakush

    LED light discussions and experiences

    23% is pretty serious. Do you know what strain that was?