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  1. mamakush

    Black Dog LED new Universal series

    I would think an analysis of THC content of the final product would be the most revealing, as that's the compound that is produces in response to UVB. I have read quite a few anecdotal accounts of people growing with supplemental reptile bulbs, but I prefer images and statistical analysis. As...
  2. mamakush

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Oh my goodness. Tension! I, for one, would love to see a side by side grow off between these two companies. I've seen good things from both. Just to be clear, Eraserhead, the new Area51 lights will meet the photosynthetic requirements of the plants below them using white LEDs with different...
  3. mamakush

    Getting Out of the Hobby! Selling my LEDS

    Does she realize it's just a plant? Goodness.
  4. mamakush

    Black Dog LED new Universal series

    Perhaps I'm beating a dead horse by resurrecting this thread, but I'm intrigued. Does anyone have a documented grow with a Solarstorm light? I've read in a few places that by placing these lights at the required distance from the canopy (due to the LEDs), the amount of UVB that reaches the...
  5. mamakush

    Led Users Unite!

    You do realize fans and heatsinks aren't mutually exclusive within lights? A lot of companies use both.
  6. mamakush

    yields with led

    Also keep in mind it may take a round or two (in my opinion, anyways) to start getting solid results under LED. There are some changes to be made when switching to LED because the lights kick off much less heat than traditional lighting, so your watering regimine will likely change, and you may...
  7. mamakush

    yields with led

    If you want an example, check out the thread in my sig. I've listed the yields from my last grow, Sour D, SLH, OG Kush, and Sour Kush under a couple of black dog platinums. All the stats are there.
  8. mamakush

    MamaKush First Post-Prop 64 Journal ; Soil Under BlackDogLED

    I just posted another video on my youtube page, it's an update of sorts from the end of flowering. As I said earlier in this journal, I'm very much an iMovie novice so keep that in mind when you watch it :) Feedback welcome!
  9. mamakush

    Rookie CFL grower

    Understood. To answer your question, in my opinion, it will not be beneficial enough to justify spending any money on it, particularly if you are on a budget. I would just stick with what you have and put that money towards saving for a better unit, or something else.
  10. mamakush

    Having more led watts?

    There is a threshold for wattage per area. Go over the ideal amount, and you're wasting energy, money, and potentially harming your plants. For a 3x3 area, I recommend approx. 300 watts of high quality spectrum and intensity. Keep your humidity, CO2, pH, ppm, root temp in check, you should be...
  11. mamakush

    Rookie CFL grower

    Aquarium lights are not designed to grow MMJ. I advise you to spend a bit more on a light that is proven. Look around this forum for some of the bigger names, then check out the company websites. Spectral quality, intensity, footprint, quality components... if you spend a little more on a...
  12. mamakush

    Info with BioDiesle Mass & Sweet Tooth under LED

    Always, always test pH and ppm. Most common problem I see is people burning young plants with overly concentrated nutrient solutions.
  13. mamakush

    The origin of human cruelty--where does it come from??

    I don't think it's proof that we've evolved from animals. Ants and humans are considered the only two species on the planet that war with their own species to such an egregious extent. I think there are a lot of factors that go into it. Technology (read Jared Diamond), fear, chemical...
  14. mamakush

    How do I determine the lumen/watt ratio of led lights?

    Growers House has the run down of PAR measurements for a few lights on their website. I think it's in their blog.
  15. mamakush

    Having more led watts?

    How many plants are you trying to fit in there?
  16. mamakush

    The GreenSanta Grow

    Crazy bleaching. I've seen it happen before, always because the light was too close. I hypothesize the higher frequency wavelengths coming out of the panel lyse the pigments in the parts of the plant that are too close to the light.
  17. mamakush

    Advice on Lighting.

    I would buy a pH and ppm test kit and use it often. Also, I don't know where you live but pulling air from your loft doesn't sound like a good idea, especially come summer. Heat rises.
  18. mamakush

    Advice on Lighting.

    74-78 degrees shouldnt cause heat shock... Do you have proper air flow? do you test pH and ppm of your nutrient solutions? Two feet seems like they should be ok.