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  1. mamakush

    Led Users Unite!

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words... check out my signature for some pics of my personal experience growing with Black Dog lights.
  2. mamakush

    Grow Project : Sun_burns Every Summer !

    Stardust.. I have ruined many a batch of nutrients myself whilst under the influence of the very plants I'm mixing the concoction for... you aren't the only one, that's for sure. I'm sure you'll never make the same mistake again, take it as a learning experience. And who knows? Maybe those...
  3. mamakush

    MamaKush First Post-Prop 64 Journal ; Soil Under BlackDogLED

    Thanks :) I'm thinking of performing a little experiment next time I flush. I flush more than any other grower I know of, so I'm going to run 2x the volume of my smart pots through the plants, save some of the runoff and test ppm, then flush them fully (to my specifications), and test the ppm...
  4. mamakush

    BlackDog run-offs? Anyone seen these LED lights?

    Doesn't actually look anything like my Black Dog panel... very different specs, as well. Your money is better spent elsewhere...
  5. mamakush

    MamaKush First Post-Prop 64 Journal ; Soil Under BlackDogLED

    This is going to be my BEST Sour Kush harvest of all time. Everytime I go into my garden I’m shocked by how solid and big the buds are getting. Started flushing last night, got a new shop vac accessory that helps with backflushing, made the whole ordeal much more manageable. Here are some...
  6. mamakush

    Apache Tech LED Grow... 8x12...1900w

    Pardon my ignorance, but is it energetically possible to run a current-driven device @100% output?
  7. mamakush

    MamaKush First Post-Prop 64 Journal ; Soil Under BlackDogLED

    Here are some pics from week 6. Everything is developing really well, I’m psyched about the Sour Kush (I know you’re surprised), she’s getting better every time. Birds eye view of the forest. I’m always in the garden when the lights are on (for obvious reasons), I need...
  8. mamakush

    Apache Tech LED Grow... 8x12...1900w

    Nice pics, plants look verdant. Interesting to me how you described the company; I went to the Maximum Yield gardening expo this past weekend... noticed Apache Tech was on the roster, but couldn't find them anywhere. I asked one of the Maximum Yield people what was up with that, and they told...
  9. mamakush

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    Do you have a hammer? Gently now...
  10. mamakush

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    I know very little about LED technology. I'm a plant kind of gal. BUT, I would say that you would want to push 10x more (actual amount depends on type of LEDs used, I suppose) because red is only a very narrow part of the PAR equation. A single white diode could potentially contain infinitely...
  11. mamakush

    MamaKush First Post-Prop 64 Journal ; Soil Under BlackDogLED

    Well, we know potassium and phosphate are the active ingredients here... each nutrient has other different ingredients. Trial and error has led me to MOAB.
  12. mamakush

    Help me pick a light for my small closet setup

    Lumens don't matter, mostly. Look at PAR, photosynthetically active radiation, for a good light for growing plants. Lumens are a subjective measurement based on human vision, pretty much only useful for picking out a good flashlight or floodlight. Any light worth its salt will have some web...
  13. mamakush

    LEDs for summer

    I second djwimbo with the black dog recommendation. The 240 watt unit has the right footprint for you, according to their website. Look in my sig if you're interested, I grow with their largest units but they claim the same spectrum in all of their lights.
  14. mamakush

    MamaKush First Post-Prop 64 Journal ; Soil Under BlackDogLED

    And we’re back on the air... Busy week at work, but I finally have some nice pics to share :) Week 5, the girls are looking great. This is when everything starts to really kick in and it gets really fun to watch the plants develop. A view from inside the jungle: Some Sour Kush, this...
  15. mamakush

    Apache Tech LED Grow... 8x12...1900w

    I have to disagree. There has been A LOT of research put into what types of light best feed photosynthesis... there's a lot more going on under the surface of growing plants than we ever knew.... accessory pigments, hormone response, immune response, and much more. As we figure out how plants...
  16. mamakush

    Mogs mixed lighting hps/led grow

    Thanks, I look forward to seeing the images. May I ask how you came across these LEDs? Via web, or otherwise?
  17. mamakush

    Mogs mixed lighting hps/led grow

    Clarification, please: You're running a 600 watt HPS against a 210 watt LED? Can you link to some information about the light, particularly its spectrum? You say the plants under the HPS are bigger. Can you give a description comparing the node density of the plants under either light? I love...
  18. mamakush

    Looking to start using Led [need directions]

    Kushini, I'm not comfortable linking you to any HID, because I believe them to be antiquated and not eco-friendly. Check out LED. Also, for whatever reason my sig doesn't show when I post from my tablet. So, my sig should be at the bottom of this post for anyone who wants to check it out...
  19. mamakush

    The GreenSanta Grow

    I really dig those colors.
  20. mamakush

    12/12 LED grow

    If they've started flowering, I say leave it at 12/12. Sometimes it's good to experiment and see what happens, it's the best way to learn about growing IMO. By chance, do you know if you're growing an autoflower strain? If so, light cycle doesn't matter quite as much. I say just go with it...