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  1. G

    Dutch Passion Blueberry + DNA Genetics Sour Creme + freebies Let's Go

    things really have improved, guess the gnome hasn't hurt, and if it works, keep doing it very strong looking for a strain that supposedly doesn't like topping
  2. G

    How Many Amps from a Basic House?

    there is going to a limiting factor, not sure how large a breaker a 6 gauge(?) service will support i see that 2 gauge aluminum is mentioned as being adequate for 100 amp - so guessing the 6 gauge wire you're talking about is copper? EDIT: this is what isee for gauge and breakers from a quick...
  3. G

    Four Year Old Seeds - Worth Growing?

    from the posts i've seen, the older nirvana NL is actually the more desirable, the more recent stuff is more of a boring commercial type indica these seeds may prove to be keepers
  4. G

    How Many Amps from a Basic House?

    sustained 100% utilization is a recipe for disaster in electrical wiring the rate needs to be substantially less, can't recall the exact number, i thinks it is close to 60% but do some reading on a reputable site for residential electrical
  5. G

    Queries! All Info Greatly Appreciated

    this is the crux of the biscuit for cfl growers - getting them in close without burn in my experience, if you want low stretch and good results, you're going to get some burn, just the price of cfl's now you should not get a lot of burn, maybe the occasional leaf tip, but how much harm is there...
  6. G

    Growing Sativa Under Cfls

    i see the pics now, proxy i use sometimes doesn't show all the pics nice transplant log! you detailed that well - some transplant shock is not unusual the plant in the middle looks real good
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    Growing Sativa Under Cfls

    can't see pic, hoping all goes well - you dusted the roots with lime? not sure what that will do, i just mix it in the soil
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    CFL Lifespan

    this is interesting question, there are the specs that say how the output is supposed to age so far, i've been running them until they stop working, can't really see any fading of intensity once they don't come on, then they're retired
  9. G

    I Think I Got a Hermie

    think you have a false alarm, don't look like balls(yet) but if they're different from other node junctions, keep a careful eye open
  10. G

    Growing Sativa Under Cfls

    you may do a little better time wise, just wanted to prepare you for the more likely outcome you may not need to get too carried away on pot size, a smaller pot will tend to limit height(and overall growth) i have good luck with 2 gallon pots giving me 2 1/2 foot high plants i'd think 5 gallon...
  11. G

    Growing Sativa Under Cfls

    they've entered flower so 12 weeks more is a reasonable guess - could be more(sativa's have their price) on using smaller pots to grow good sized plants, i've had bad luck with that, some seem to have tricks for it one simple rule is 1 gallon for every foot of height, not precise, but a good...
  12. G

    Growing Sativa Under Cfls

    seems to be working well, no obvious deficiency or burn - as mentioned you may have to consider some larger pots at some point if you have to transplant, sooner is easier than later
  13. G

    Growing Sativa Under Cfls

    can't see the last pic(if you posted another pic), but thought the first set had fine pics of the bud sites i'm no sativa expert - used to grow them years ago, when all the bag seed in the usa was sativa - but those buds look like sativa buds, on the airy side
  14. G

    Growing Sativa Under Cfls

    i think i see all the pics - you have to adjust your expectations a bit with sativa's, especially if you're using pics of hybrids as a comparison you will have to be patient, but still think you're doing pretty well
  15. G

    Plants Always Wilt and Die Under Cfl

    i have seen a trick posted around for soils, build up different layers put your nutrient denser soil(i.e. hotter) at the bottom half of the pot, put another soil in the top half that is not so nutrient rich haven't tried this method, but made sense
  16. G

    Growing Sativa Under Cfls

    i'm impressed, some not bad looking sativa's under the small growers friend(cfl's) i think you're doing great, yields may be modest, but this is why indica hybrids exist you may get some very good quality out of this
  17. G

    Plants for just one person?

    gram a week, that describes my use pretty close, daily user too, just vape 1/10 of a gram per day(for depression/anxiety issues) i grow 1 plant at a time under 78w of cfl's, this has provided enough for what i use(just enough)
  18. G

    Plants Always Wilt and Die Under Cfl

    if temps are an issue, you should be seeing heat related issues well before the browning stage, maybe heat, doesn't sound like it though from your venting description if it's not heat, not soil, the next on the list is water, have you PH'd your water?
  19. G

    Seedsman Seeds-Skunk Mix-From the Beggining

    i think you're going to be a skunk connoisseur at the end of this grow, by connoisseur i mean you will have sampled one hell of a bunch of skunk varieties
  20. G

    Seedsman Seeds-Skunk Mix-From the Beggining

    i think this thread has answered my curiosity about seedsman skunks - very legit genetics here(from what i can see) should be a hell of a harvest report in the not too distant future