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  1. jimbizzzale67123

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    I hope you were being sarcastic.
  2. jimbizzzale67123

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    Dousch of the year we have all the knowledge you are seeking you will want to take epsom salt and pour it all over your soil this will provided the exact amount of nutrients to get rock solid buds covered in resin. Make sure your Ph is at 4.5 too.
  3. jimbizzzale67123

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    Yea ok buddy once u open the bottles u better use them right away ur just backing yourself further and further into the corner, first u said seltzer then I point out seltzer doesnt have nutrients and mineral water does. So what do you do, you act like you have been talking about mineral water...
  4. jimbizzzale67123

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    Well seltzer doesn't have nutrients in it its mineral water and seltzer has very little co2 in it pour a can of sprite in a glass and then pour seltzer in a glass you will see what im talking about. And all of you agreeing with them doesn't even have any clue of how much co2 is in seltzer im...
  5. jimbizzzale67123

    massive trunk split, 911!

    I just snapped one of my branches almost all the way off I made a splint and tied it back up and not one of the leaves on that branches have wilted or changed at all and its been like 5 days since the incident. Marijuana is a tough SOB and I would just tie the best you can and let nature take...
  6. jimbizzzale67123

    can anyone help

    lol were just busting your balls we know.
  7. jimbizzzale67123

    can anyone help

    Yeas take a marijuana seed put it and soil and wait.
  8. jimbizzzale67123

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    LOL, I am pretty sure its been a scientific fact that plants need Co2 and sunlight to go through photosynthesis for really long time not a new theory. Again I was merely making fun of your expensive and unpractical way of providing Co2 to marijuana. You should know that because my initial...
  9. jimbizzzale67123

    Please help guerilla grow in trouble any1 know whats wrong!!!

    It looks very stressed and mutated. Thats why I grow indoors.
  10. jimbizzzale67123

    Rust spots on 1 of 4 plants, New grow, 14 days old, PLZ HELP!!!

    Dont feed them FFOF has enough nutrients in it to get them through most of the veg cycle. Since you just repoted them they had access to new nutrients and then feeding them didn't help. I would just use fresh water for a couple more weeks then start feeding them maybe once a week.
  11. jimbizzzale67123

    Can't anyone Help Me with my post..RUST SPOTS on 1 of 4 plants?????

    maybe a link to your post or at least more pictures in this post would have been helpful lol. You cant help a blind man see(Does that make sense im really blazed).
  12. jimbizzzale67123

    Should I harvest these buds at only 3 weeks flowering? Help please! pics included

    Throw it away my god man you are over feeding your plants every four days, fox farm ocean forest potting soil is loaded with nutrients as it is. Again dont toke that marijuana it usually takes at least six weeks too have any kind of potency in the THC if there is any on ur plant.
  13. jimbizzzale67123

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    I'm not ignorant bro I'm sure it works what kind of idiot doesn't think co2 and some of the 14 elements marijuana use is good for plants im just saying its stupid and expensive, great some student at boulder university found out it helps slightly lol groundbreaking. I'm looking to grow big buds...
  14. jimbizzzale67123

    WHY MUST THEY DIE updated photos Next plant dieing now

    They look really hot and theye might be too crowded, maybe get another fan on them or something, or could you be over watering?
  15. jimbizzzale67123

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    you really took my simple little joke about your expensive asinine idea instead of letting it roll off your shoulder you act like a ass trying to belittle me and acting like a know it all. Just showing again that you just dont get it. And I really think you dont know what an analogy is or...
  16. jimbizzzale67123

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    so say a 16oz bottle cost $3.00 and you have to use four just to water one plant and then you have to do it twice a week for 15 weeks that comes out too $360.00 for one fucking plant. Have fun spending that much money I never said it didn't work I said it wasn't practical and isn't very...
  17. jimbizzzale67123

    strange leaf growth after topping plants

    Sounds like you did something good lol.
  18. jimbizzzale67123

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    this is what I found on google. Ensuring that the air in your room is exchanged every 5 minutes or less and having an oscillating fan in your area to move fresh air will replinish the layer of CO2 that naturally resides around the leaf surface. This is one of the most beneficial ways to...