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  1. jimbizzzale67123

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    well they didn't reply for weeks and then the price was so cheap it sounded good I never bought them so who cares.
  2. jimbizzzale67123

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    LOL pwned for what grammar who the fuck cares about a silly mistake like that what the fuck is this the grammar forums no its RIU. I dont like spending time making sure my fellow potheads get 100% correct grammar I have my degree bro. His seltzer water idea is retarded and possibly the worst...
  3. jimbizzzale67123

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    You believe everything you read on the internet. and what about when your plants flower why would you risk the chane of mold by spraying the plants. This sounds so inefficient I couldn't imagine siting over my plants spraying them down every single leaf. Why dont you take a couple of botany...
  4. jimbizzzale67123

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    lol thats like saying hey open a 24pack of soda and just leave them in their.
  5. jimbizzzale67123

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    I still haven't tried them yet.
  6. jimbizzzale67123

    Growing in Apartment Building...

    Once you have the filter the smell will be so light they wont notice, the key is to buffer the air and not just let the smell build and build. you will be good I grow using a 400w and 6 seems to be too many to fit 4 will fit perfect under the light. rember its the lumens and not the number of...
  7. jimbizzzale67123

    auto flowering

    so four weeks left and you want to start flowering your other plants. is their a time you will be a home guaranteed for the next four weeks, if so I would just move the plants in and out so they are only getting 12hrs of light until your berry's are done and then you can switch the light cycle...
  8. jimbizzzale67123

    My first grow under MH light :)

    yes once she starts flowering she will want more K and P but always error on the side of caution give her half strength doses unless she looks very hungry but be on the look out for over fertilizing or any kind of nutrient lock out. Just looking at your picture it looks like a good indica...
  9. jimbizzzale67123

    no help for my northernlight !!

    lol poormans nutrients, or go to petco and ask them if u can have their dead fish and bury them in ur soil bam instant fertilizer.
  10. jimbizzzale67123

    Deficient or burnt?

    Guys thats a grow tent and it looks like a secret jardin, they dont use aluminum foil they use Mylar, lol and how does it even look like aluminum foil to u guys.
  11. jimbizzzale67123

    no help for my northernlight !!

    Dude your Mom ripped it up once she probably doesn't want you to grow at her house bro. Maybe you should get a job and move out then grow or grow in the woods. Number one your plant looks like its haa some major nutrient deficiencies and you cant move a plant that was growing indoors to...
  12. jimbizzzale67123

    Lot of sick girls

    Nice Guy I feel your pain, Fox Farm is great but I have been having problems using ocean forest myself. My guess is your plants are hungry, what size pots are u using. I have two giant 5 foot Pure Power Plants and they are both very very sick, their leaves look awful and one plant has barley...
  13. jimbizzzale67123

    Several questions

    With a name like Caramelicious why wouldn't you grow it, and I dont know shit about Florescents but Low Stress Training is the shit, my style is to tie the main coal down enough for all the other bud sites to rise so all the top colas are on a even plane.
  14. jimbizzzale67123

    My first grow under MH light :)

    Well you do have a female, dont cut off fan leaves unless they are dead, and you my freind are going to have one very large plant on your hands, how tall is that sucker. And dont spray your plants with water when ur lights are on you can sometimes reflect the light through the droplets and burn...
  15. jimbizzzale67123

    auto flowering

    No do not switch, autoflowers require at least a 20/4 light schedule. if you do switch they will likley die or stop producing buds. I grew autos once and they are really not worth it it doesn't take much longer to grow some skunk or northern lights and u use so much less electricity. How many...
  16. jimbizzzale67123

    How much light is too much

    Fuck man no heat prob ur set thats awesome, grow a shit ton bro ur a lucky man.
  17. jimbizzzale67123

    Growing in Apartment Building...

    I have grown in a few apartments but I bought a charcoal filter and I had no problems. Is your apartment indoors or are the buildings outside. Just make sure you use air-fresheners throughout the apartment, get a charcoal filter and make sure you buy strains that dont smell as much like say...
  18. jimbizzzale67123

    First Time Grower Help Plz.....

    Crackerman use Fox Farm Ocean Forest Marijuana loves it.
  19. jimbizzzale67123

    green crack,OG kush clones

    That soil might be too hot(Too many Nuits) for the plant I cant really see clearly what the problems are.
  20. jimbizzzale67123

    please help. my leaves are turing colors and it is still young. pic included +rep

    I have heard this many times and I have always used Fox Farm Ocean Forest and never had any problems. Could be the strains I grow I go for hearty strains.