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  1. jimbizzzale67123

    2nd Grow. Learned a LOT in 2009. Now improving.

    Yes every time you want a cig just smoke a bowl. I dont know bro I smoked for 4 years about a pack every 2 days and I quite with no trobles and smoke maybe 3 cigs a month if that depends if I get drunk.
  2. jimbizzzale67123

    Funny stoner stories.

    Sorry Bro but FRAT.
  3. jimbizzzale67123

    Someone please help!!

    Looks over watered, stick your finger in their and see if its too moist. If your plant is not using a lot of water it doesn't need to be watered that often. Also Miricle Grow and Marijuana never mix they have a beef with each other. Looking at ur soil I see a little yellow ball is that a time...
  4. jimbizzzale67123

    $$$ 10.00 R/O FILTER !!!! Probably in your garage right now !!!

    Any ways I buy my water at lowes or I just let it sit out. I am going to save up for a reverse Osmosis because that seems to be the most cost effective. I have used a brita water filert before but never checked the PPM's. I am a soil grower looking to ge into Hydro though so water doesn't...
  5. jimbizzzale67123

    $$$ 10.00 R/O FILTER !!!! Probably in your garage right now !!!

    I guess he deleted the other ones, Yea I just hate arguing on the RIU forums its like parents fighting.
  6. jimbizzzale67123

    dry petfood mixed in with soil?

    I thought the kid said you added it to your bowl for flavor Either way LOL.
  7. jimbizzzale67123

    dry petfood mixed in with soil?

    LOL I didnt even read through Yes I too saw the fruit loop forum.
  8. jimbizzzale67123

    dry petfood mixed in with soil?

    One time I read on the forums that someone heard if you put fruit loops on your bowl your weed taste like fruit. Too sum it up dont believe everything you read.
  9. jimbizzzale67123

    Northern Lights KC Brains

    Im sorry Zoso I just saw what happened sux, but too make you feel better one time when I purchased a 10 pack of female Sense seeds Skunk #1 I ended up over feeding them and killed 6 out of the nine plants I had. And the six that died were gigantic and about three or four weeks from harvest...
  10. jimbizzzale67123

    start seeing buds ?????

    That has to be PhotoShoped.
  11. jimbizzzale67123

    $$$ 10.00 R/O FILTER !!!! Probably in your garage right now !!!

    Thats pretty harsh I dont see nasty replies like that too often on the RIU forums. And Mr. Natural the RIU Forums are for sharing Ideas and trying new things. Not a place for arguing or trying to put people in their place. I didn't really see anything wrong with fatty's response he was only...
  12. jimbizzzale67123

    Hey i got some questions about starting off with DWC!

    Let me know your problems I am a pretty good and knowledgeable with soil. I am lurking the hydro forums thinking about getting my feet wet.
  13. jimbizzzale67123

    Nirvana Ice Ice baby+AK48(first grow thread).

    Nice looking girls u got there.
  14. jimbizzzale67123

    A real led discussion

    Wow 35 post's and u think u can just call people out? Anyways RIU is a place of learning and sharing not a place for trolls go some where else troll. Sorry BnK I had to call this fool out he obviously doesnt know what RIU is for. Any knowlege is good knowledge. Sounds like u want one...
  15. jimbizzzale67123

    Exhale Co2 Bags?

    I have a 4 x 4 secret Jardent grow tent and I use a 4in Can fan for exhaust I have a ducting that is attached tot he verytop of the tent so I get the hot air out and it suckes through the light to exhaust hot air. I dont want to waist the CO2 I hope that having my ducking so high up the CO2...
  16. jimbizzzale67123

    Heellppp!!!!! The sticky has no pics!!!

    Hey Chef, Did the yellowing go away on ur clones?
  17. jimbizzzale67123

    5 weeks flowering and no bud

    I agree a street light intensity diminishes so quickly, and I really don't think anyone was actually suggesting that interrupting light cycles cause instant plant death JJBurnOut. Lets try and be constructive, 5 min every other day will absolutely affect a indoor plant. Just use a green light...
  18. jimbizzzale67123

    Heellppp!!!!! The sticky has no pics!!!

    I don't see drain holes on those cups did u cut drain holes? Are they clones, they look like clones regardless of what they are they are too young for nutrients. I think u are causing the plants to be over watered. If the top inch of your soil is dry and the rest is very moist don't water out...
  19. jimbizzzale67123

    5 weeks flowering and no bud

    Post some close up pictures of the nodes/axilary bud. Those five minutes could be messing with the plants u never know. I would use a green bulb when its nighttime for ur girls.
  20. jimbizzzale67123

    I've never seen this before, have you?

    Probably just a rare mutation in the DNA, that happens sometimes in Nature. I would clone it just incase it has beneficial traits, maybe the genetic mutation will be in the clone too.