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  1. jimbizzzale67123

    Is this over watering? (pics)

    The lock out could very well be causing the K deficiency.
  2. jimbizzzale67123

    Doctors please diagnose my plant!

    It looks like Nitrogen Deficiency, are the fan leaves turning yellow at the bottom of the plant?
  3. jimbizzzale67123

    14 days since germination... only on 2nd set of leaves

    I always feel like in the beginning my plants are growing really slow but then by the fourth week they are always like a foot tall. Its weird how all of the sudden they will take off just relax and give them some time.
  4. jimbizzzale67123

    Nirvana seeds, what should I get? PLEASE HELP

    I am growing PPP and my friend is growing Northern Lights both from Nirvana, they are a great company 100% germ rate great looking plants. I haven't harvested yet so I cant say which is better but just look at the descriptions and decide for yourself that is the best part.
  5. jimbizzzale67123

    5 ft plants falling over

    I would grow them in some kind of bucket with a bunch of large holes drilled into the sides and bottoms and plant ur girls in there. U could have Moles or Voles eating the roots too.
  6. jimbizzzale67123

    Organic Soil Issues, Please Help! PICS

    Maybe get a light nutrient for seedlings and clones, usually seedlings dont need and nuits I had a friends that just started hydro and was using pure water for a bit and I gave him a light nutrient to use. Try and avoid burning ur plant.
  7. jimbizzzale67123

    Heat Attack? Or Airflow Problem? Plant absolutely looks F***ED

    Do what u can to get the temps down to 80 and they should be fine.
  8. jimbizzzale67123

    fucking fungas flys

    I heard the potato trick works too here is a way to kill them so they never get back. Take some tobacco and soak it in water. Pour the water into ur plants, the nicotine paralyzes the larvae. Then get yourself some playground sand from a hardware store and pour it over ur soil that will trap...
  9. jimbizzzale67123

    Please expert soil growers only!!!

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest is what u need my friend. Miracle Grow and Marijuana are like Oil and Water.
  10. jimbizzzale67123

    nute burn? pix attached

    PH imbalance, this can cause the plant to look burned sometimes. Make sure ur PH is balanced if u aren't sure pick up some limestone its cheap as hell in nursery or lowes.
  11. jimbizzzale67123

    Help!!! SOS!!! Mayday!!!!

    What r ur temps in there although it doesn't look like they r overheating.
  12. jimbizzzale67123


    Fly Paper is cheap and works wonders.
  13. jimbizzzale67123


    A nice subtle way to say check spelling. I have too battled the nasty fungus gnats and I found that fly paper works best I love seeing them fly into live. Also I read that if u put a slice of a potato on top of your soil the larva will congregate around it and feed from it the next day u can...
  14. jimbizzzale67123

    please help!! did i force my plant into flowering

    Are you moving your plants from indoors to outdoors? if yes than dont they cant handle that and it will stress them out.
  15. jimbizzzale67123

    please help!! did i force my plant into flowering

    Dude ur plant sounds like it has many issues u might want to start over and have a cleaner grow.
  16. jimbizzzale67123

    Help what is this? ? Pics!!

    It doesn't look like Botrytis and I can find anything else in my growers dictionary.
  17. jimbizzzale67123

    6.4 Weeks into flower and im sure this yellowing is not normal

    Ride that out I would flush and see what hapeens you should be a week and a half from harvest.
  18. jimbizzzale67123

    is it growing?

    Get them lights down at 2 weeks they should have another set of leaves but I dont know I use a 400W MH.
  19. jimbizzzale67123

    Organics Are Killing My Plants

    Sorry to hear bro, that sucks. I cant believe they dug it up for the solid nutrients what a bunch of asshole animals. I would suggest you use a liquid and look up different organic repellents like mixing up a bunch of spicy peppers and other hot things and spraying around the plants.