I use a couple 150s plus CFLs in a smaller grow area I have. With a fan blowing across the top of the plants I have those open bulb 150s 4 to six inches off of the plant.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
Outdoor grapefruit, flowering for about two weeks. Male Captain Jack for pollen. First male I ever flowered out in 15 years. Fun because its different and I can't wait to make a cross.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
I hope everyone had a good time and enjoyed themselves. We'll have to make sure it happens again soon! Great to see new faces and old.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
It's going to be a beautiful day! Everyone come enjoy some good food, good drinks, and good company! Avogadro's Number, 3:00 pm, outside on the incredibly kid friendly (there's a tree house...) back patio.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
Outdoor grapefruit female and her intended sexual partner, a male Captain Jack from a local breeder, homebrew420. Both started to flower about a week ago.
Sent from Northern Colorado.