I super crop until the end of the big stretch... 2 to 3 weeks in. I've done it later on particularly stubborn colas to maintain an even canopy but don't like to.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
Your buds are not trashed yet. I've gotten late pm before. Milk solution does work. If you spray the buds it will turn the hairs red. But I'd rather have burnt red hairs and finished pm free buds personally.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
I hadn't thought of cloning it. What I was worried about was damage to the roots after 10 weeks of no growth. The roots might grow just fine but thats a chance I wouldn't be willing to invest the time of taking care of it in flower for. But if you clone it the clones would be fine.
If you can't...
I would recommend starting over... Or if you insist on still growing this plant start another and treat it right from the start.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
Have you inspected for bugs? What are those white spots on the leaves? I can't quite tell from the pics but white flies maybe? Or mite damage. Check the undersides of the leaves.
Sent from Northern Colorado.