Yes. If they usually come on at 7am and go off at 7pm just leave them off from 7pm and in the dark until you want them back on, like at 7pm. Then youre on the new schedule, lights on from 7 pm to 7 am. So they'd be in the dark 24 hours. Make sense? I do this at the start of summer for my room to...
If you want to change light schedules just change it. But don't run the lights 24 hours straight, leave them off for 24 to get to your new on time. Don't adjust them. Do it all at once. Sorry for the thread jack...
Sent from Northern Colorado.
Sunday works way better for me. Its the day when I plan nothing to do... I'd deffinatly be interested in coming and entering some herb in the competition!
Sent from Northern Colorado.
Yep. I only see one in each tray that still has a top. Those are the only ones that might make it. Try using some cubes next time too. Tops and cubes will increase your results.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
Umm... there's no way you wait 6 weeks in flower to add bloom nutes. Am I not reading right? Generally stretch is done and flowers form in 2-3 weeks. I must be miss reading this post cause no bloom for 6 weeks is going to give terrible results. If you keep feeding high N veg nutes in flower for...
No problem. But I would ditch the miracle grow on your next run. I'm still fairly certain the foxtailing buds are due to the improper npk ratio.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
Well it deffinatly doesn't look super dark green. I'd start with the foliar calmag and look for spotting to stop in about 3 days.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
Of certainly does most of the time, like the leaves on the bottom of pic 2. Perhaps post a pic of the entire plant for inspection. With N toxicity the oldest leaves are the greenest and glossiest.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
Don't flush!!!! You'll release more N from the time release soil. Flushing compounds problems like this in time release soils
Sent from Northern Colorado.
I believe sometime next year you will be able to own a grow and sell to dispensaries. But you'd still have to have all proper state liscencing etc. So even then no home grows selling to dispensaries. I'll see if I can find the info on this and post it.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
Generally 6500k for veg. Then I like a 2:1 ratio of 2700:6500 in flower. You can get y splitters at the hardware store so you can run 2 bulbs per socket if you're limited by plugs. Hope that helps ya.
Sent from Northern Colorado.