I hate to disagree with you on this one dr. who and i could very well be wrong but looking at the most recent pic. he is talking about the smallest one on the front left. and im not saying he has a heat problem now, but as you know what ever stress the plant goes through will show alot more in...
yes looks ok. what size wire is that 12/2 or 14/2 and what all will be plugged into that one feed? and will it have its own breaker in the breaker box and if so what size breaker?
yes 3 1/2 feet from plant is ok. after about a week you should be able to move it closer. to answer the other question how you germinate the seeds is up to you and you will have to find what works best for you. for me putting them in dirt and waiting for them i only have a 60% success like that...
yes i would if i was you because if you are only using 3 clf and 1 ufo the bigger the plant the less light penetration you will have so if its too big only the tops will get enough light. clf will only penetrat 4 to 6 in past the top of the plant
400 watt is fine just 30 to 40 in above the baby and have a fan on them or if you have other taller plants in there put the babies in the corner for a wk or so.
well if your in 2nd or 3rd wk the main stretch is over but a plant will continue to grow till at least wk 6 and 7 the older they get the slower they grow. if your already at your limit on space it would be best to fix it now than trying to get by and find out your out of room.
yes looks to me like the plant has went through stress or light burn and the budes are starting to deform. i have had buds grow out from the side of other buds. they will look funny and might take a extra week or two to finish but they will be ok.
hay it sounds like you have been doing everything right not sure if you said or not but what type of soil are they in? is it organic? and since you dont see anything under normal light could it just be residue left from the spray? that would explain the middle getting the most and lighter...
do you have a fan on in there. Just think of it like this. we can get a sun burn when it not to hot for us and so can a plant. good air flow is the key.you might try to move or turn them once a day.
the wrong ph down ????? they are fine. it is normal. the problem is with the breeder that made the seeds. it wont hurt anything they wont all come out like that. not every leaf on every plant can be perfect shape
it sounds like a possible root problem. like watchhowldoit said on watering. also if you can take it out of the pot and check your roots. make sure no bugs are eating them
if it was me i would feed them. the buds look good but they have a long way to go yet. if you are 4 to 5 week into flowering then you have around 3 to 4 more to go. they are getting ready to start packing on weight now.
not sure from pic. watch to see if it gets bigger. it could be white power mildew. from being too wet. if you are misting the plant.. stop and see if it stops of not