First thing i would say is that you should not get into watering on a scedule. How often a plant needs water will change throughout it's lifetime based on many factors and you will always get better results if you learn to water/feed when the plants need it. Once a plant is out of the seedling...
Spot on. The plant doesn't give a shit about anything but getting pollinated while in flower. If you cut off nutrients all together it begins pulling resources from it leaves to keep the flowers viable for as long as possible. The only benefit to letting the plant fade out like that is a...
It's all good.. everybody simmer down. The options @Airwalker16 suggested would work perfectly for your needs and are significantly better lights than the one you mentioned. Here is another option...
Hard to say. Could be crap genetics, could be grower error. Only grew autos twice back in 2015 and every one of them ended up well over 2 ft tall. Two of my Northern Lights autos were ocer 3ft tall. Based soley on the few pictures you provided i can say that that plant looks stressed out.
I think a month is way more veg time than you'd want for 14 plants in a 4x4. I have vegged a single plant for a month or so and ended up filling almost all of a 2x2 space on many occasions.
It's all about avoiding transplant shock. It isn't that autos are more susceptible to it than photos exactly, just that if it does occur it hurts more because you can't lengthen the veg time to compensate for it. If you are really good at it and typically do not cause shock during...
There is one reason and one reason only that 'flushing' can be beneficial and it has to do with what what @Lordhooha said about chlorophyll. When you starve a plant for the last 2 weeks of its life you are actually beginning the processes that normally happen during the drying/curing phase...
Yeah... i think that is why i try my best to be measured about the advice i give. If I'm not absolutely sure about something I don't like passing it on to others without some very clear disclaimers about the extent of my knowledge on the subject. I've witnessed people who 100% have ruined...
True. Everybody wants to believe they are the best. Few are willing to put in the time and effort to make that a reality. Plus, lets face it, some people just don't have the tools to be the best no matter how hard they try.
I think the most balanced approach is to recognize and accept your...
I also think that people use shady labs that are more than happy to exaggerate the results. I had a particularly potent pheno a couple runs back that i had tested. Lab results were 26% and it absolutely blew the doors off some dispensary shit i bought that claimed 32%. Everything becomes a...