Jethro Tull's album (LP) Thick as a Brick had a recipe for nutmeg brownies if I remember correctly. A friend made some and it took lots of ice cream to get them down but we did get high.
I can't remember any ill effects, but that was years ago and I'm sure I had been drinking.
A Georgia woman has started a petition to get the state government to make MMJ legal. The last bill got stalled in committee.
Much of the article is...
My kids grew up watching all the above.
I remember:
Star Blazers (Late 70's/early 80's)
Tom & Jerry
Jabber Jaw
Pretty much anything in the 70's or early 80's
Being annoyed is a long way from boiling with rage, but nice try. I would attribute my minor annoyance with this to a generation gap. (Damnit! I never intended to reach "middle age". I always wanted to stay young and hip!)
I believe that the planet goes thru cycles. (Axis wobble anyone?) Allthough this graph shows a dramatic spike when industrialization starts I don't see all these gurus explaining the Little Ice Age or anything else. A 2000 year graph is useless if you want to study something that is 4000000000...
God no. Go over to ATS for that. I think we can contain it here.
My dream sub-category would be a dead zone for all posts that end with "peace" or "peace out". (Is it only me that finds that annoying?)
I think that the what, where, who and why of 9/11 is never going to be REALLY known.
Preventing it from happening again is what we should all be considering.
So the theory goes - You're born homosexual: "an enduring pattern of or disposition to experience sexual, affectional, or romantic attractions primarily to people of the same sex"
So sucking someones dick won't make you gay and you can't "try to be gay".
I don't believe that people can be...