It's obvious that the officers were at great risk. (The pristine condition of the home was a clear sign it was a den of drugs) Those dogs could have easily chewed through their combat boots and bullet resistant clothing. (one dog was a bloodthirsty Corgi!) They were clearly justified in their...
The OP thinks that he is somehow unique and that his views are correct even when confronted with facts, logic and common conventions to the contrary. If you challenge him he will claim that you are being "difficult" or unreasonable. You exist to meet his needs or you are a douche. Pick one...
You liberals got your healthcare and yet can't quit trying to sell it. You won! Remember?
Your fear of the Tea Party movement is painfully obvious. Deflect the real issues and keep calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a racist etc. In the mean time your leadership is trying to...
Hey guys check this out. I have this great idea...we make all these promises during the campaign and then when we get elected we can break those promises and then blame the republicans...saying shit like "but the repukes made me do it" and "I know what I promised, but I have to give those damn...
Dis you mean to say we should send people to mars? Why? Everything we need to learn there can be learned via robots. It's cheaper too. Robots don't need oxygen n shit like that.
Well, some "leftists" threw eggs at a Tea Party bus recently. Seems like they feel threatened enough to do violent things.
The Left will do whatever it takes to silence the opposition it would appear. I'm just suprized that members here haven't rushed to the defense of the left!
There must be a lot of corruption if the democrats want to limit federal investigations of lawmakers.
The effects of catnip are hereditary so not all cats react to it. Theres some kinda oil in dat shat, but they can become desensitized to it pretty quickly.
When I had cats I always had some catnip for them.
I see nothing in the article claiming these wackos are associated with the right/Beck/Palin.
Unless you are implying that all christians & militias are right wing violent fucktards.
I have no love for the government or cops, but these people should be made an example of.
Meh, I stopped voting a few years ago. Picking one crook over the other crook didn't make sense to me anymore.
While I don't support any political party anymore it would be nice to have a national 3rd party. Might actually get me to vote again.
What goes around comes around. Karma.
Don't listen to these idiots advocating revenge. It would be wasted effort and energy. Let it go and know that they'll get theirs sooner or later. I guarantee it.
I urge you to seek help. Crack open the phone book and call a crisis hotline; There are plenty of free services to help you deal with problems and depression. Stop by a church and ask to speak to the pastor/priest; You don't have to convert or join, but men of god can often give good advice...
Years ago in Miami a armored truck flipped from a I-95 overpass down into the ghetto. The back doors opened and everthing spilled onto the street. A news chopper was on scene within minutes and showed the locals hauling away pockets full of cash and coin. The cops bluffed by saying "We have...
Time isn't man made, but our perception and measurement of it is.
If mans understanding of the universe, and everthing happening in it, were compared to a human lifetime....then we were born a few minutes ago.