How is your license not suspended???
Consider a consultation with a lawyer. At this point his experience will be worth the 200 bucks you'll pay to talk to him. 200 bucks is cheaper than jail and he might even get the fines reduced or a few of the tickets dismissed if you hire him. If you've...
No hydro shops here. I live in a rural area. They don't even have flyovers here because most of the people that live in this 1100 acre development are either old as shit or part time. Lots of woods around and between houses. Might try to do a couple of plants outside too. Still....I haven't...
I doubt she's upset. She does enjoy pointing out hypocrisy though.
I don't care much for what comes out of her pie-hole. Making a habit of pissing people off on purpose usually hurts the position you're trying to promote.
Wow. Mutilation, Bestiality and Murder all in one post.
Reminds me of members here wishing people would die/get murdered/assasinated because they don't agree with their political views. Sick.
I always wonder why people keep campaign bumper stickers on their cars after the election.
Please link your source. Helium3 is an isotope of helium. Nothing more. Helium3 is the same everywhere...the moon, the earth, whatever. High School chemistry anyone?
As far as the political shat: Cost and NASA's ability to make opening a soda bottle a 3000 page manual is what cancelled...
Where the fuck do you get your information from? Helium3 only exists on the moon? You're either lazy or retarded.
Helium3 can be found in the crust, mantle and atmosphere of Earth as well as in some natural gas resources.
The rest of your post is partisan babble.
I wasn't trying to justify their stance and certainly wouldn't expect you to either, but it's your opinion that their cause is puke. That doesn't qualify them being idiots...they just see things differently than you do. That was my point.
It would be nice if we could put the troops on the...
I agree. I misunderstood.
That's complete bullshit. Doing anything in space is extreme, dangerous and difficult. And power from fusion is a loooong way off (if we ever get there). To say it's a guaranteed fix-all when we can't even do it on a small scale is silly.
Back to the OP: It...
For someone so sure of something you're spending a lot of effort and time on it.
They just don't agree with you. Does that make them idiots? They don't like whats going on so they are protesting. Looking back would you say MLK was an idiot because he marched and protested?
If anything...
HAHAHAHA! That's rich! Remeber the
lefties chanting all of their Bush conspiracy shit a few years ago?
Regarding the "Teabaggers" not liking blacks: Do a little research. There are plenty of black people that support the Tea Party. You just choose to cry racism whenever anyone doesn't...
Ahhhh! A Conspiracy! Makes sense now (Kinda).
Actually we have yet to use fusion to make more power than it consumes. Helium3 is theoretically used in one of the fusion variants. So it doesn't matter where it is....we can't use it.
As far as Helium3 not existing on earth: Wrong! It...
One pair of shoes a year while growing up? You must be high (or have a small feet condition), 'cause my kids feet grow way faster than that!
Fun Fact: If you fertilize your lawn use a mulching mower...~40% of nutes are returned to the soil via the clippings.
It's pretty dangerous to run the main engines until the tank is empty. The tank is ALWAYS released with some fuel (H and O2)
Pretty much...I won't pick
In fact space is VERY cold and it's pretty easy to mitigate radiant heat from the sun.
Ion thusters are currently in use for propulsion...