Went to work that morning with only 3 hours of sleep. Worked my ASS off, like a boss but it drained the shit outa me. Got up with some xannies,2mg over 4 hours, then railed 1/2 one and decided to rail a 10mg Ambien. It was a good mix. Although after I fed my face with ravioli and cool aide, then...
Both of mine are. Happened a few days ago, but I ain't going into details. Overall stupidity.
Going to call my doctor Monday and have him check it out or refer me to someone who will to make sure all will heal right.
Doesn't hurt , everything just sounds muffled. Which sucks.
Google said they...
In a worst case senerio you might need some books man. Real shit. I got an army survival manual on my iphone. But other books along those lines would probably be very...they would be invaluable. Unless you already know everything.
I was on grasscity. It was my 1st forum I joined. Needless to say I got banned. But I deserved it so I'm not upset. Plus it lead me to this place! I love RIU. Such cool people, with only a few exceptions.
Cool mod btw.
Well, taxing is just par for the course man. The Big Man has always gotta get his. And I think it should be that way. Schools, roads, protecting our nation. It ain't cheap. Not to say that all tax laws are fair. But taxes are necessary. I'm fine with em taxing it in stores. I just wanna be able...