yeah it is a little stressful for it but it should be fine. You need to click on the GrowFAQ's up top on the left and read, everything that you really need to know about what you are trying to do is in there.
you can give it 24 if you want, you should give it anywhere between 18 to 24 and the males are bad because theres no buds man and they might pollenate your females and you dont want bad seedy weed, you want that sinsemillia
yeah me too, thats the only thing i dont like about the cup. I find out what some great strains are that i havent given much thought too and then they get sold out in no time.
yeah man, just take your seeds and grow them out. Put them into flower and figure out which are males and females, get rid of the males and take the best female and put her back into veg and just grow what you got left but after that you will have a mother plant to clone from and youll be set
why not just by those new camels....they are called camel crush and inside the filter is a little ball, if you squeeze it and break the ball then the cigarette is menthol if you dont fuck with it then its just a full flavor. You get the best of both worlds.
Okay if youre gonna sell pot illegally then you have to be very careful, this is a case where paranoia can be a good thing. First things first, never ever talk directly to anyone over a phone. If you must do so then go and get one of those track phones and give a fake name when activating but...
maybe you should try cross breeding and designing a strain that is better for your needs.
that looks like an intresting strain as far as yield is concerned but its not quick by any means.