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  1. Q

    Bag Appeal

    Personally, I always thought bag appeal meant a close trim or a clean shave. :bigjoint:
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    Someone Teach me LED please

    That is a subject for debate. It depends if you want separate lights for veg and flower or one that will do both for you. If you have separate veg and flower areas you have more options. Some folks kill it with 4k in veg and 3k in flower. Some folks opt for 3500k for the entire grow. Pretty much...
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    Someone Teach me LED please

    For cobs there is not really any maintenance. They are rated at over 50,000 hours of use with almost no drop in efficacy. No bulb replacement or anything necessary.
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    Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

    Both the detective and the Lt. That gave the order to arrest the nurse should be fired and then brought up on charges themselves. Anything less is just another big FU to the common people. If no criminal charges are pursued, I at least hope the nurse finds the spine to take it to civil court.
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    Can Led lights Produce?

    All BS aside, keep in mind that the plants are happy in veg because it doesn't take too much to keep them happy when they are small or in veg. Flowering will be a completely different story and those that have experience will know to what I am referring. You may certainly flower with that light...
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    Great Lakes Genetics ?

    Sweet, thanks for the update.
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    Great Lakes Genetics ?

    Still no updates on when site will be back up?
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    Bud washing

    For odor control I have seen simple poly coated rebar with shade cloth over it that has an 8" extraction fan with a scrubber attached. Putting the cloth over the rebar sdo it doesn't touch the plants but helps to keep some of the stink contained for the fan to scrub. Green rebar with a cammo...
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    Bud washing

    For outdoors I have seen people run an extension cord or two with some small oscillating fans. Not when it's raining or the middle of the day but early morning and evening to help dissipate the dew on the plants and therefore helping to keep the plants dry. Obviously this is not a one seize fits...
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    Need help with more nutrients

    What dou mean by thin? Things are looking good. It's not like a game where you pour a power up on it and it gets bigger. Genetics p!Kay a huge role in what you get. Those plants look nice, and if it were me, I would stay the course and keep doing what you are.
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    Can tell if this one plant is ready to Harvest

    Pics or it didn't happen.:hump: Seriously though, pics will help people give you accurate advice.
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    Can Led lights Produce?

    Don't keep us in suspense, what's the actual wattage? :confused:
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    Little advice on statuses of my plants?

    All female,eh? Are you certain? Good luck and best wishes.
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    A Few Random Questions

    Not trying to be rude when I say this, so please keep that in mind. If you have "read and done loads of research", then you either have more to do or need a better place in which to research. The question of what to do about the male shows that you don't understand some of the most basic...
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    Bud washing

    You must never be outside. It rains outdoors sometimes even pours rain down for hours multiple days in a row. A quick dip when plants are first harvested is nothing. The science behind it is easy to grasp. Kill the mold spores to ensure good curing. You have so much knowledge but seem to be set...
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    Bud washing

    What if OP was outdoors. There is zero difference if done properly. Use a mild H2O2 solution and just submerge them gently with no agitation. The hydrogen peroxide kills mold it does not encourage mold growth. After rinsing them, hang to dry but with a fan blowing directly on the buds. The fan...
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    Million Dollar Question

    What about the ancient Chinese? They built the wall and said that any race outside were ghosts and not human. Seems to me that they are not white and were certainly exhibiting racism before European settlers ever heard about the New World. And again, not trying to be argumentative, and I...
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    Million Dollar Question

    Are you saying that racism plays no part in slavery? That slavery is as completely separate issue? Surely racism must be present to so completely dehumanize an individual that they are treated as goods and chattel. I guess another way to try to say what I mean is this: Would slavery exist...
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    Million Dollar Question

    Apparently none here are well versed in history. Not only whites are racist. Look at slavery throughout history. Many nationalities all throughout history have enslaved other races and nationalities. To limit the discussion to whites only, and the go so far as to say it's impossible for brown...
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    How much do you think this could end up yielding?

    Those that know, know.:wink: