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  1. buddha61

    Is molasses enough?

    As others have said, molasseses itself isn't enough, but the fan leaves yellowing and dieing is a normal process during flowering. I personally have not used any ferts during my process, but I am growing in the ground, not in pots.
  2. buddha61

    Question about drying in a rubbermaid box
  3. buddha61

    Starting To Flower, Or Really Close

    I have not used anything on these. No fertilizers, no molasseses or anything. All natural :) I am considering molasseses though.
  4. buddha61

    Starting To Flower, Or Really Close

    The first 3 are from the plant that is been flowering longer. The second 3 are from the larger plant that is a little behind the first plant.
  5. buddha61

    outdoor growshed in the winter... HELP!!

    If you were to plant anything in the winter, it would go right into flower. If you could veg inside for a while, then put it out, it might work.
  6. buddha61

    One harvest a year?

    And we both posted at the same time :)
  7. buddha61

    One harvest a year?

    I am not 100% sure, but I think you could manage 2 harvests a year if you live in an area that doesn't frost. You have your normal fall harvest, but you could veg indoors in the fall/winter, and put the plant out around Jan or Feb and it should bud.
  8. buddha61

    Starting To Flower, Or Really Close

    I am starting to get some trichrome development on my smaller plant, and finally some pistils starting on my bigger plant. :)
  9. buddha61

    12/12 From Seed Yields

    Hopefully there won't be a lot of negativity or worthless comments here, but I was wondering for anyone that has done a 12/12 from seed, what was your yield? I have 2 plants growing outside, 1 flowering, 1 almost, and was considering to grow a 12/12 from seed indoors over the winter. So, who...
  10. buddha61

    Starting To Flower, Or Really Close

    I am in Ohio. I just have some bagseed growing. Nothing special. Yours is the same as my first or second one? I have to assume the second one since the first one is past the preflowering stage.
  11. buddha61

    Starting To Flower, Or Really Close

    A quick question. How much does adding molasses help? Lets say a plant was going to produce 2oz naturally, how much additional mass could be added by using molasses?
  12. buddha61

    Starting To Flower, Or Really Close

    Here are some updated pics of one of my plants. It is actually the smaller/younger of the two plants. My bigger/older plant show very little if any pistil development. Any idea why that could be? The last 2 pics are the older plant.
  13. buddha61

    new outdoor grower

    Depends on where you live, and what you plan on doing. You could start now for next year, but wouldn't be advisable unless you have tons of space
  14. buddha61

    density of bud?

    they lost water
  15. buddha61

    Outdoor smell from 1-2 plants

    I have 2 left
  16. buddha61

    Outdoor smell from 1-2 plants

    I think it would be hard to say how much the plants will smell as I am sure that each plant will smell differently. I know with mine, I have on occasion smelled them in the morning from about 15 feet away, but not every day
  17. buddha61

    Starting To Flower, Or Really Close

    Here are some pics of my plants, as the pistils are starting to develop. I started with 6, had 1 not survive, and then there 5. Those 5, 3 showed male, and then there were 2 :) The first 3 pics are of the smaller of my 2 plants, and the last 2 are of the bigger plant. I will try to get full...
  18. buddha61

    I Just Got 2 Teeth Pulled

    Yea, it was a lower.
  19. buddha61

    I Just Got 2 Teeth Pulled

    I don't want to run the risk of a dry socket.
  20. buddha61

    I Just Got 2 Teeth Pulled

    And it really sucks. I have some Vicodin to help, but it sucks I can't smoke for a couple days. I had a wisdom tooth, and the one beside it pulled this morning, but it is really sore. Hopefully by Saturday it will be good. I also think that one more of my plants is male, which will cut me down...