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  1. FaCultGen

    Best ideas on cotton-mouth cures.

  2. FaCultGen

    Ive lost all my mates to cocaine

    this hole thread is an ebonic mess... i have very little idea what the hell most of you are saying... but yes... coke is one of the worst... terrible karma and allways fucks people over... plus it isn't even that great... there are 1000 drugs i'd rather do...
  3. FaCultGen

    This N That

    ... neither... hps/MH but i guess cfl... family guy or south park
  4. FaCultGen

    This N That of course... white chicks or latino chicks?
  5. FaCultGen

    My BlueWidow Cross...

    i thought you bred the blue widow?
  6. FaCultGen

    Girlfriend question, is this normal

    lol this shit had me fucking cracking up dude... i almost spilled my beer... this dude just changed my life... but anyway after reading through this i would have to agree that you need to asker her to come with... just like they said, especially if you haven't met him before... if he's gay...
  7. FaCultGen


    lol... i do like seeing that pretty woman like to grow too... at least i'm not the only good looking person on this site... j/k :) -Cult
  8. FaCultGen

    I s#!t my pants this afternoon.

    lol thats freeky... why would they just leave? lol what if they were comming for your grow and they got the address wrong? lol that would be funny as hell...
  9. FaCultGen

    Calendar Pictures

    what did you do to that poor plants timmy? lol
  10. FaCultGen

    Fully Automated Commercial Grow Box - Badass?

    dude... did you really buy that?
  11. FaCultGen

    how to get happy

    lol not a very good friend if she kept stealing from you...
  12. FaCultGen

    how to get happy

    lol i didn't even notice that there is a crying kid in your avatar...
  13. FaCultGen

    how to get happy

    dude i was totaly gonna ask the same thing lol... but anyway... the best way to be happy is to do something preductive, plus exercising will allways raise endorphens, you should do so on a regular basis if you want to feel good. and RIU is how i like to have fun and wind down from the...
  14. FaCultGen

    Best High Food/Drink

    girlgonegreen you a vegitarian? no meat on that list... healthy food... avacados... tomatos sliced with salt and pepper, frigging hummus mmmmm
  15. FaCultGen

    Name The Riu Logo!

    i do like the idea of it being a females name, it is seed pod ofter all... i think...
  16. FaCultGen

    Name The Riu Logo!

    lol i still like seedy poddington
  17. FaCultGen

    Solar Panels in a Grow Room?

    i saw this house on tv that had solar panels and a wind genorator... it was producing so much power that the little electro measurer thingy was going was supplying a small amount of electricity to the town near it...
  18. FaCultGen

    What is the most potent strain of marijuana right now?

    WOW this thread is full of ignorant statements... who's white widdow was measured at 25%? got any links to a reputable sorce? satori at 28%...any links to a reputable sorce? there are a shitload of plants that are all natural that will have short and long term damaging effects...
  19. FaCultGen


    exactly... lol ;)
  20. FaCultGen


    lol i never said i wasn't a hipocrit... here is me i'm the one in the middle