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  1. FaCultGen

    My BlueWidow Cross...

    looks great jonny, i have been around for like a month and that is a beautifull thing to come back to... looked to me like they could have gone a little longer though, lol but it is your strain and you would know better than me, rep for you
  2. FaCultGen

    How to tell if shrooms are Magic.

    is it worth it?... maybe... if you know where there are some and you just want to trip...but for any kind of stock piling no it's really not worth it unless yo find a fucking feild of them... and growing your own is easy and pretty cheep if you look at it in the long term... for example i just...
  3. FaCultGen

    VV is singing the blues. From seed to Perpetual Weed.

    woop woop callin out to all the Michigan growers lol ace duce baby lol... and nice plants VV
  4. FaCultGen

    --tech209'z 400w hps 8sq'z closet SOG hindu kush log--

    beautiful plants dude rep for you
  5. FaCultGen theres this scetchy chick outside...

    :wall: well anyway i gonna go to sleep... :sleep::sleep::sleep::bigjoint::bigjoint::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep: after i smoke...
  6. FaCultGen theres this scetchy chick outside...

    lol damn girl you are way paranoid... who says i'm growing right now... and unless they gonna kick in my door aint shit happening now... and whos to say i'm not prepared for such an occurence anyway? and i'm sorry if it offends... but race certanly effects decisions in situations like that...
  7. FaCultGen

    Growing Mushrooms via a casing pics

    the pf style jars with brown rice flower is the only substrate you do need a pressure cooker for... you don't need one for bulk substrates but you will need spawn...which needs a pressure cooker, and even with pf tec pressure cooker is recomended... and it needs to be able to get to 15...
  8. FaCultGen

    Growing Mushrooms via a casing pics

    yes it does...and you have to get a pressure cooker.
  9. FaCultGen theres this scetchy chick outside...

    lol well you are better men than me... i could never be with an unatractive person... and when i say this chick is fat i mean 5'7" 300-350 lbs...
  10. FaCultGen

    Growing Mushrooms via a casing pics

    lol well no it's not really that easy...
  11. FaCultGen

    Growing Mushrooms via a casing pics

    ...well... it wouldn't really work like that... the spores on a shroom that your about to eat would be could possibly use agar to isolate a non contaminated section of mycelium, but it would be hard... your best bet would be to spend $20 and order some spore prints or...
  12. FaCultGen theres this scetchy chick outside...

    lol hell no...i would never even concider doing this chick... at first it was questionable whether or not she was even female at first... and i only mess around with hot chicks...i'm shallow like that...
  13. FaCultGen theres this scetchy chick outside...

    lol you know whats funny i thought about that exact if i see her again i don't even know what i would say...
  14. FaCultGen

    Growing Mushrooms via a casing pics

    lol you only need a single viable spore to make an infanant amout of mushies.
  15. FaCultGen theres this scetchy chick outside...

    see i just don't want to be a racist hippocrit... because i would let a hot white chick in anyday with out hardly any thought... lol and i'd prolly hit it too lol...
  16. FaCultGen theres this scetchy chick outside...

    lol i mean believe me i did square her up... she looked like a poor as hell youg lady from the getto... her shorts and t shirt were bolth like10 years old and stained all over... just a poor as hell fat chick... but she just seemed so inocent and sad that her cousin wasn't letting her in... and...
  17. FaCultGen theres this scetchy chick outside...

    i agree it is a shame... but still i'v seen this exact scam used before... i'v seen it in my own building at another apt i had... ultimatly i did let her in but still...if an apt gets robbed tonight because of it, it would be my fault...
  18. FaCultGen theres this scetchy chick outside...

    so theres this scetchy chick outside with a t shirt and shorts on (it's about 20 degrees here)... she pretty fat and african american, i went out for a smoke and she was just standing there outside my balcony (i'm on the 3rd floor, she was on the ground)... i nodded at her just to kinda say hi...
  19. FaCultGen

    Good Shroom Question

    lol... if you ate 3 oz you would not die... you would however have a "perma trip" lol... i'v seen it before with other drugs... it just kind of make you stay at the comedown of a trip forever... it's like you just past the peek like an hour ago...only always...
  20. FaCultGen

    Some cacti questions

    lol don't get it dried... you want it to be fresh, just order four 14" cuttings and give one to each friend...