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  1. oldtimer54

    the truest words ever spoken in american politics

    We're and by we're I mean all tax payers are already paying for it and people who've had insurance for years thru the same carrier who's premiums increased when Obama care was instituted are paying for it and the fine for people who find it cheaper to pay the fine instead of getting the medical...
  2. oldtimer54

    Monsanto Exposed as Source for White Phosphorus Used in Gaza Massacre

    Don't they make carpet from the hair of dead baby seals for the ultra rich.
  3. oldtimer54


    I don't worry so much about dying as much as how I will die. I'm sure the dude in India who was hit and killed by a 22lb meteorite didn't think that would be the way he would die. Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time !
  4. oldtimer54


    Do you happen to grow for El Chapo ?
  5. oldtimer54

    Anyone ever encountered this before?

    Find the dude that was bitching about the original sensible seed company who was pissed about not being picked for some seed run and see if he's still interested in running a test for you !
  6. oldtimer54

    Dog attack!

    I got bitten as a young kid and it caused me to fear dogs well into my late teens. Now I can't imagine life without my dog. The only good thing here is at least the dog that bit your boyfriend was vaccinated. If the owner can't control the dog he doesn't need to take it out in public. Sounds...
  7. oldtimer54

    Original Sensible Seed Company.

    I haven't done this much reading since my attempt to read War & PEACE and that didn't end well either !
  8. oldtimer54

    Original Sensible Seed Company.

    I would just like to tip my hat and say good job to whitbb2727 kmog33 GrowUrOwnDank for their diplomacy in the handling of this situation You're all gentlemen and scholars of weed :-)
  9. oldtimer54

    WALMART first it closes the Local mom and pops by coming - Now leaves those towns high and dry!

    I support my local businesses. The big box stores are my last resort. I know that Wal-Mart doesn't miss my money. When my mom died I didn't notice Mr. Wal-Mart at the funeral but I did see some of the local business owners there. I live in a rural area that has family farms centrally located...
  10. oldtimer54

    FuNNy POrN MoViE Titles

    Rambone I, II & III Starring Dick Rambone. 12" of slave Starring Dick Nigga.
  11. oldtimer54

    X-Files 2016!!!!! Yo

    Yeah, I work 6 nights a week the only night I get to sleep in is Sunday night. I fell asleep watching the Panthers and Chiefs and had set my TiVo to record the X files on Sunday night. Got up Monday morning and was gonna watch Xfiles. After the the ballgame Sunday night the network ran an...
  12. oldtimer54

    Waste disposal

    I have a huge compost pile that I've been using for 20 plus years. With the chickens producing quite a bit of waste and the straw from their nests and the addition of yard waste plus material from my grows . I've created some good soil. I till it in the native soil to use in my yard and in...
  13. oldtimer54

    Impromtu trip to NC

    Yeah , there's plenty to do.It all depends on what you're looking for. A couple of things come to mind. Linville Caverens , Grandfathers Mountain a very cool swinging bridge at 5280' .Moses H. Cone memorial park. The movie The Green Mile some very important scenes were filmed at the park. There...
  14. oldtimer54

    Why do girls get pissed when you watch porn?

    It's simple really She afraid you'll stumble upon her movie where she blew 2 MIDGETS while in clown make up.....the MIDGETS not her !
  15. oldtimer54

    How many different strains have you grown?

    Before I stumbled upon this magnificent site. I grew what ever was in the bag that I thought was good enough to save. Who knows what strains they were. That was the first 30 plus years. The last 5 years God bud, Reeferman Grapefruit , White Widow, Vanilla Kush Amnesia Haze, Fuckin Incredible...
  16. oldtimer54

    7 Word Story

    What happened to my friend anzohaze recently.
  17. oldtimer54

    Would you try powdered cannabis?

    I've used far worse powdered products before............wait for it........................ BC's and Goodys headache powders And I can not tell a lie 96% pure Peruvian marching powder ! Thank you Pablo ! And to answer the question.....yes I would try powdered cannabis !
  18. oldtimer54

    Snowmageddon....east coast 2016 ...whatcha doing

    My man ! I was gonna be all serious and shit but how do you follow Chicks with Dicks ! I can't.
  19. oldtimer54

    Where are you all from?

    One of the original 13 colonies !
  20. oldtimer54

    Flint Water Supply

    Just call your local health department and they'll tell you what they can do.....I know that when I ran water treatment plants I always ran tests on samples for people who brought them in who had wells that were in our system but not tied on to our system. I just thought it was the right thing...