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  1. ElfoodStampo

    New clutch Wednesday!!! Yay

    In all fairness I bought the car with 170000 miles on it, and I don't know how old the clutch is. The slipping didn't start until I put the bigger turbo on with a tune. But yea I'm gonna baby it for a bit.
  2. ElfoodStampo

    Having a little issue

    yes wait till the swing is done. Then add more nutes to drop the pH Your cal mag should be added in direct proportion to the nutrients. Dont get humg up on feeding with res changes, try to follow how much the plants are using.
  3. ElfoodStampo

    Having a little issue

    let your Ph rise to above 7 before you drop it. i feed on my downstrokes for pH balance and let it go again. you honestly want to the plant to experiance the full range of the pH swing from 5.6 to 7.1 un down up down. also fedings should be small and often or this to work
  4. ElfoodStampo

    Plants maturing at different rates??

    if its off the same plant, its the same pheome. only way to check into it is to have other seeds to sprout. if some of your plants arent up to par with the rest theres a miriade of shit that can make this happen. mlght be a weak plant, or its not getting as much light as the otherts'check for...
  5. ElfoodStampo

    the men's rights movement in a nutshell

    [/seeseQUOTE] im totwally seriouis this is my picutre for strinkin it rich with common folk. dont hate
  6. ElfoodStampo

    Things to look for in a potential new property

    Y= ut you can live cheap don there. or in mexico. Alaska or wyoming Ithink are you best bets.
  7. ElfoodStampo


    I have never watched the wizzard o ozz because i've known from the getgo it was a bad movie
  8. ElfoodStampo

    New clutch Wednesday!!! Yay

    I know nobody cares but I'm fucking stoked to get my clutch changed on wedI'll be able to hit 19 I have a cooler grill and smaller license plate on the front. vf52 turbo and a stage 2 exedy clutch, full exhaust 'cant wait.
  9. ElfoodStampo

    Why are my LEDs so hot!!!???

    They make them go faster!
  10. ElfoodStampo

    ACTUAL Medical Grade Extraction Method

    I know what you can do. for the record this is my idea I just came up with it, I want paid. Don't be stingy and run your shit through a cold press. That's the cream of the crop right there. nothing but oils, and no chemicals. ehh.. pretty good for being high.
  11. ElfoodStampo

    Having a little issue

    Hey bud, Your having issue with pH, using less nutrient will help you with this. The plant otherwise looks awesome. Its super dark green, that's why I'm telling you to back off some, its obviously healthy you just need to get your swings worked out at this point.
  12. ElfoodStampo

    please someone help my babies are dieing I dont know what to do

    Dude she is like one of the hottest chicks ever, in my head. ... :bigjoint:
  13. ElfoodStampo

    F*ck Colorado for banning pit like breeds

    Jesus how can you harbor such vicious beasts!!! Your puppy is beautiful! Some people are just scared and or ignorant and are too busy to reach inside and pull out their humanity to asses a situation. For once in my life I agree with something buck said, you can find places around Denver with...
  14. ElfoodStampo

    please someone help my babies are dieing I dont know what to do

    just pee on it everything will be fine.
  15. ElfoodStampo

    please someone help my babies are dieing I dont know what to do

    Why hasn't the stem gone gushy, and why isn't it flopping over like a dead fish? its aliiive ITS ALIIIVE!! ohhhohh I'm trying to sound ghosty because its almost haloween
  16. ElfoodStampo

    3 grows, 1 tent. Open to suggestions.

    uh, why don't you want to check the pH? seems kinda important..
  17. ElfoodStampo

    please someone help my babies are dieing I dont know what to do

    son of a bitch, where is OP.. all this arguing and the source is nowhere to be found. He could straighten all this out in one post. Hopefully he's downstairs conducting the procedure.
  18. ElfoodStampo


    Every new God Damn Transformers movie after the first one. Fucking Michael Bay just keeps slowing everything down and blowing shit up. Fuck story line, lets go find the creators? and what optimus kill them? Since when did optimus prime become a vengfull angry killer? can someone point to an...
  19. ElfoodStampo

    please someone help my babies are dieing I dont know what to do

    Its Hard not to like you when you talk soil like this.. :weed::-D
  20. ElfoodStampo

    please someone help my babies are dieing I dont know what to do

    No way, its gotta be bigger than that, compare the stalk to the size of the perilite or whatever the white stuff in the soil is. Its something like a 5 gal flower pot.