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  1. MattsTHC

    days getting shorter...

    plant looks healthy, but with about 3 weeks give or take left in most peoples growing season, i would say it should grow a foot, deepending on how your growing it.
  2. MattsTHC

    1st grow update, tons of pics

    yeah i would say 2 weeks+ deffinatly. plants looking nice though.
  3. MattsTHC

    Plant getting way too huge

    suppercrop might work, but i was thinking LST too, untill i realized the plants probably to big for that now, and if it isnt you would have to be way carefull with it.
  4. MattsTHC

    how do my plants look

    they look good, i would transplant them in a week or so.
  5. MattsTHC

    i need to know why my leaves are doing this?wwwwhhhhyyyyy!

    i would say the yellowing is normal at this point if your plants starting to flower.
  6. MattsTHC

    plant in shade growing ,help please.

    im not sure what to tell you man, i deffinatly wouldnt put them in the shade, it would probably lower your yeild a considerable amount.
  7. MattsTHC

    seed problem...

    man i used a wet paper towel to germinate my first seeds, and it took like a week. i would just wait it out.
  8. MattsTHC

    plant in shade growing ,help please.

    does the area where your thinking of moving it get any sun? and it might grow, im not 100% i never looked into shaded growing. my words of advice are that if you dont have to move it dont. but it sounds like your having a problem with concealment or something.
  9. MattsTHC

    Newbie for real

    i agree with every one, whatever your doing is working fine. the ladies are lookin great!
  10. MattsTHC

    10 Females Flowering???

    haha whoa man, dont reveal to much info, i probably know the exact city you live in.. :)
  11. MattsTHC

    How to transplant and grow?

    i did the same on my first grow. i also messed up transplanting, i guess the key to transplanting is kinda squeazing the pot ( if its plastic) then it comes out pretty easy. once i just cut the pot with a knife to transplant because i was so scared of ripping the roots. as for soil alot of the...
  12. MattsTHC

    Vaporizers- Can someone give an old school guy info?

    i guess im no old timer but i can give you some input. went to a friends house, he said he got a new smoking piece, i assumed it was a bong. went there it was a vaperiser. it was a cheap one, but man it gets you high, it also feels like nothing at all is going into your lungs.
  13. MattsTHC

    Should I trim my plant (have pics)

    your plants look pretty nice man. i was gonna give you some input but looks like every one answerd your questions.
  14. MattsTHC

    help peacey with her guerilla grow next season!

    i agree with everyones suggestions, i guess the choppa's just complicate everything. i had a frind who camoflauged his plants with other plants, and actual camo like a tent or something.
  15. MattsTHC

    10 Females Flowering???

    your post caught my eye because you live in IL, i live in wisconsin so i know what kind of weather we are getting ect..but as for how far your ladies are into flowering i dont think it could be all that long, maybee a week give or take. by the way nice plants.
  16. MattsTHC

    What do YOU do with your clippings?

    yeah wow. Roseman, bravo that mas the most detailed post i have ever seen.
  17. MattsTHC

    Something I am working on.

    Damn OP, and people say pot heads are stupid and lazy! your like a rocket scientist or something.
  18. MattsTHC

    scariest moment of my life.

    i guess now that were getting on life/death situations, last year i was walking around in a woods. this was before i grew and i wanted to find a spot to grow. my friend was shooting off his .22 and just messing around. Then, a minute or so later, i see a boat comming across this river/swamp that...
  19. MattsTHC

    next years plans suprised to hear that. im guessin your just in it for the $ haha. but same here, im hopin i will be done by sept.