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  1. M

    Drying Time?

    Sounds to me like they may be ready to go into jars. U don't want them totally crispy dry before curing.
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    red hairs vs trichs

    Goodshit Bricktop + rep cleared up somethings I wasn't 100% on thx bro.
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    Yes Or No ?

    Get a triband UFO and a couple CFLS. That's all u need for a couple plants.
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    Our ghetto CFL grow

    Switch to 16/8 and u will see faster growth, just keep th lights as close as possible. I veg on 24/0 when I want to keep um short and stalky. But if u give them those 8 hours of sleep they will shoot up crazy! Just something I've noticed. There are looking good bro.
  5. M

    lower leaves starting to fall off

    It's normal for that to happen. Just pull um off ot do sum prunning on sum of the dead or dry leaves at the bottom.
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    10,000 Watt Grow.........

    So when can we expect some bud porn. I'm tired of hearing about light consumption.
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    California Growing Certificate

    Twisted all that link is for the MMP voluntary Id card program. NE1 with a medical recommendation can voluntarily apply for MMP. But it's not recommended and regardless of the MMP county card ur still protected under SB 420 and prop 215. Not neccesary to voluntarilly share ur info with the...
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    Best Grinder for Hash?

    Grinders are good for buds but don't think it will work to well with hash it's too sticky. It'll just get stuck on everything in the grinder.
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    Help with stealth cabinet ideas!

    I don't think Sativa is going to work too well in a small cab since sativas grow to tall.. Go with a few indicas.
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    Plasma is the Future of growing!

    Has NE1 heard of OLEDS I believe that's the future of indoor gardenings. SP lights look like an awesome new tech aswell. Can't wait for something better and more efficient without heat issues and wasted luminens of HPS lights
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    Makes no sence to fuck with her at this point. I've heard It can be done in hydro set up but not soil. I put ice in my res to keep temps down but hasn't made my Ww purple. My purple Kush is purple but that's genetics. U should just grow some bomb and forget about turning her purple ur just gonna...
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    26 watt veg and 23 watt flowering cfls

    U might be able to veg with that but U'll need way more light to bud anything
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    California Growing Certificate

    No such form u need to form a legal collective. U can go to ASA Americans for safe access theyhave the form online. No such certificate!
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    UVB lighting question with HPS.

    UVB will do nothing for ur seedling or vegn stages it is used strickly during flowering to increase tryc production
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    roots browning out FAST. +rep for help

    Wat nutes are u using it sounds like it could be nute stains... If I'm right u should be fine.. My girls get nute stains on there roots and they look like u described... Just keep watching those temps but u should be fine some hydro nutes will stain ur roots
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    LED lights

    That LED panel is garbage and u will be dissapointed. I might work for vegn one plant but definetlynot enough like to flower any decent buds. U need at least one watt per led bruh
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    Measuring THC Content?

    MedicalMarijuana Inc. Has test kits that they sell to collectives to test THC levels.
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    just harvested trying to dry

    U can also put them in paper bags 3-5 days then into jars for curing.
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    Am I sacrificing weight by flushing???

    Two weeks for soil... Two week flush for hydro will kill the bitch. 2 to 3 day flush is good for hydro setup. U can use sweetners during flush and It tastes great.
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    Curing - what exactely is it?

    I use paper bags to dry for about a week them move to jars.