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  1. L

    Do plants normally look like this when about ready for harvesting? (pictures inside)

    sweet plants dude....u got a few more weeks left yet though.......wait till 30% - 40% of the hairs have gone brown/red then start to flush again...try and push for 2 weeks of flushin then you will have some very strong and fat buds.
  2. L

    Updated Photos ~ Both Grows! Pics.

    Nice plants!! U got a few more weeks to go yet bro and i would say get rid of the tin foil but seeing u r growing under cfl's that dont get to hot (u can prob touch the bulbs) i wouldnt worry to much.
  3. L

    Nute included!!!help

    They should only be having ph' water, bo nutes for the 1st 2 weeks.
  4. L

    coco issues for newbie

    i agree with hom36rown, when i used it i never even had to ph anything had 6 plants and all yielded at over 2 oz.
  5. L


    need pics bud
  6. L

    Read this, see the ignorance we face!

    there is not 1 fact there, it is all false, where do they get this from.
  7. L

    9th week flowering

    i had the same problem with the tops drying out i moved it to 18" away and was fine. 2ft may be to much!!
  8. L

    just started wk 8 of flower..few questions

    wow wow, i didnt want to start a full blown war when i started this thread!! It seems like u all have ur own preferences, but then i suppose u would we all like different potency. Think i will wait till the pistols are 80% changed in coulour then check the trichs if they are cloudy thats...
  9. L

    Big Thanks!!

    Big thanks to all at RIU the info i have been given has been a great help sometimes all i have had to do is search through other threads to find out what i need. Due to this i have had very little in the way of problems. Which has given me some very nice looking girls. Again thanks.
  10. L

    just started wk 8 of flower..few questions

    cheers to you all for the info, its a bit difficult to decide which opinion to go with so i think i will wait until 70% - 80% of the pistols have changed colour then harvest.
  11. L

    just started wk 8 of flower..few questions

    Hi people, just started wk 8 as the title says (idiot), i would say 50% of the white hairs are now brown, how long do u think i have left? pics to come.
  12. L

    is dry.....i wanna nip some!!!

    Hi people, Its very dry around here and was wondering if it would damage the plants if i just nipped a few buds off to see me through. They only have 1 - 2 weeks left before harvest but i cant wait that i said its DRY man. hhhheeelllllpppppp!!
  13. L

    33 days into flowering

    Very nice my green fingered friend!! This is totlly up to you but i had the same problem with the smell, u can if u want, very gentley disturbe the buds by touching them with ur fingers (make sure they are clean) and be very gentle i found that it released the smell, i had lemon skunk and was...
  14. L

    marijuana + strattera?

    I am NO doc but i wouldnt let ur kid SMOKE weed, if anything if i was going to let my kid use weed i would try food cannabis foods for 1 its easier to control the amount he is having. Just a thought.
  15. L

    How NOT to get busted!

    Not to be a pain but if the idea is not to tell anybody, is it such i good idea to be using this site?
  16. L

    to soon to flower

    sorry to invade the thread!! is this gospel as i have info that would say that huge pots are not as needed as u may think.
  17. L

    SEX (pics)

    Congtratulations!!! Its a girl.
  18. L

    to soon to flower

    Nice plant!! Keep up the good work. Why do people get so hung up on pot size?