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  1. PeaceGrow

    Think the post office screwed me...

    :(BUMMER!!!!!!! man im sorry, Im kind of surprised so.. have you been flagged before???, and the alien card was your Denfim seeds usually the seed(s) would been stapled, If you only ordered seeds then that is why you should ALWAYS order a Mug, tshirt or even both...was it a large amount?? I just...
  2. PeaceGrow

    Showing off the baby Lowrider so cute!! Skunky lil grill

    Awesome, she is is with some larger strains right now, (juicy fruit x og kush) week 4 info flower, She is at day 25 from sprout, I will use mag. and determining from the trics. to determine when she is done, Your auto is Looking Great! How is her aroma? I have to say that is one of the most...
  3. PeaceGrow

    My buds aren't looking so good...

    they don't look bad!! I was expecting much worse when reading your title, good attention grabber! Anyhow how is you PH levels?? do you have a EC meter, they are a bit pricey but when used crop after crop its worth it, heck to me if it saves one plant it pays for itself :) your only in week 4...
  4. PeaceGrow

    12 12 from seed nutes

    im curious to see what some member will say about this one too, Are you soil/hydro...????? let me know if organic soil I will drop what i do, anyway This it is a great question for anyone new and I believe several people can be in this position, having a plant that is flowering or budding and...
  5. PeaceGrow

    first time grow!

    HEy bud first of all good luck on your plans I to help my fellow RIU members so I will throw in literally 2 bits of info :) lol, the dimensions you are giving will work IN MY OPINION IF!! **# 1** You select the correct strains, I think we all know it Always starts here but, the last thing you...
  6. PeaceGrow

    Showing off the baby Lowrider so cute!! Skunky lil grill

    no one like my midget??????? :( :( lol
  7. PeaceGrow

    Showing off the baby Lowrider so cute!! Skunky lil grill

    Hey guys it's me peace grow!! As some of you know I've arty started some of my ridiculously expensive strains!! All on their third set of leafs. Me being the mad scientist that I am I always have a little side project going on.. The seat was given to me along time ago and I didn't take it very...
  8. PeaceGrow

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    I found this to be one of the most helpful post yet, because H20 is the most important compound, I have always agreed!!! thanks so much!!
  9. PeaceGrow

    Fleas and Cannabis

    never herd anything about fleas but I have had some nat issues this year not that bad...that normal 4 anyone else (mind you I am a clean person lol and in a clean environment)
  10. PeaceGrow

    first grow plants dying...need help

    make sure you don't have any spider mites still those bastards come back with ease! THATS MY MAIN ADVICE HONESTLY...but I must say your ladies arnt dying, Yes there may be an issue but lets not jump the gun here... Mary is a hardy plant and can survive some harsh and stressful conditions and...
  11. PeaceGrow

    when is the next stage

    all good advide, anyway we can get a pic? it will help us help you too GOOD LUCK!
  12. PeaceGrow

    !!!!!!!!!strain suggestions please about to order!!!! Thanks guys!! :)

    so anyone that has any good citrus,berry,fruitty tasting/smelling please let me know, im closing in on that date where I have to order to ensure I keep things up and running! im not a huge clone guy unless I just fall In love with a plant! which happens and as we all know each generation gets...
  13. PeaceGrow

    Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

    hey check dollar general they have a killer deal on mason jars of all sizes! Your going to need them, They are looking great man! you have a little variety in there I like! Keep it up! cant wait to see these babies flower :)!!
  14. PeaceGrow

    need advice

    I wouldn't know therefore I cant give advice but I do want to say good luck in any grow you attempt :)!!
  15. PeaceGrow

    Replant help?

    yes i would just go ahead and put them in a large 5 gallon pot, if you just put it in a slightly larger container then you will have to do this again, and to someone new its scary, although quite easy! when transplanting make sure your soil is moist so your roots don't rip, that's really the...
  16. PeaceGrow

    !!!!!!!!!strain suggestions please about to order!!!! Thanks guys!! :)

    AWESOME RESPONSES! so I am going to have to try OG kush (not sure which one), Alaska Thunder Fuck, and still looking for that FRUITTY blend!
  17. PeaceGrow

    Newb Question

    ^^^ agreed
  18. PeaceGrow


    cut them to 12/12** lol not cut them!
  19. PeaceGrow


    if limited on size then I would cut them and for one they will show sex and size will be deduced, good job they all look very healthy , Strain??