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  1. PeaceGrow

    first harvest - am i ready?

    personally id let her go a bit longer, but thats just me, i dont know your situation, but she can produce more, Dont let her go to long though as she can revert the thc or start popping nannners out, (hermie) GOOD luck looks killer!
  2. PeaceGrow

    8 moldy jars full....

    happens to the best of us man..........bummer though good luck w/ your next grow dont let this one put you down!!!!!
  3. PeaceGrow

    *!liberty haze deep cheese lets show <3 1 nother! Suggestions :) one love!*

    STV AWESOME can you tell a bit more about the buds? also was that just 1 plant? and thecosmic, IM gona check it out! thanks for the reply's guys!!!
  4. PeaceGrow

    *!liberty haze deep cheese lets show <3 1 nother! Suggestions :) one love!*

    ????????????????? so another couple weeks under 18/6 then i think i will filp to HPS instead of MH, and hope to produces some DANK buds, comments/?s guys, love to talk, ONE LOVE
  5. PeaceGrow

    Why do people die at music events?

    i use to attend a huge Greatful dead tribute band, Schwagstock every month every summer-Oct 31 and once in jan, for YEARS, i watched kids chew on rocks and were bleeding, i watched another guy stuff Xanax in his friends mouth while he was having a seizuere, Its that 1 in 1000 person that is a...
  6. PeaceGrow

    So I think I want to try growing shrooms i dont grow magic just edible but this is where i would go but man be careful, Magic mushrooms are nothing to play with and if you do decide to do this, Make sure you take it in baby steps, unlike pot Mushrooms Can and WILL turn on you, both when...
  7. PeaceGrow

    Human ashes in soil

    Do you have any talents we may get from smoking you lol, Are you a genius? Can you play any sports lol?? i would be made into a type of rooting hormone so i could bring life to plants all over the world :) ill be inside Dip n grow soon!! lol! great funny, (make me laugh after i smoke post,) i...
  8. PeaceGrow

    Germinating 15 year old seeds: No luck with many methods

    can i ask why you are using 20 year old seeds?? i mean were the genetics so boss/rare that you cannot find them at a seed bank like attitude or a similar strain? i know they cost but man nowadays the seeds they seed out are damn good, i ordered ONE of several kinds and so far only 1/8 fem. seeds...
  9. PeaceGrow

    Leaves Drooping

    2 600s? thats allot of heat, how is your ventilation? i recommend if you have the $ getting 1 1000 w, WAY better then 2 600 anyday, any if you have 2 why not put one plant under each light if possible. # 2 That's to long man they need darkness just as much, and in my opinion the photosynthesis...
  10. PeaceGrow

    Can i please get some help?

    Just a cppl little tidbits i think you may benefit from, remember to write down and keep good records, to me this is one of the most over looked things, people say, AHhhhh ill just grow it and change light cycle when they feel like it, well i use to, but let me tell you its important, EVERY...
  11. PeaceGrow

    How she doing? How long left? [newb]

    look under mag if the THC crystals (trics) have turned to an amber/brownish color DONE......and shes not going to yeild much bud im sorry, but i dont think your going to get over a Quarter, Tried bud is alot less then the weight when trimmed, get you a 1000 watt and then you will be some yields...
  12. PeaceGrow

    can i cut fan leavs?

    dont cut, Stress and leafs are an important part of photosynthesis and even feeding comes into play, you take away all the leafs, you are going to have excess food and no where for it to go= over feeding, let her grow as natural as possible in my opinion GOOD LUCK one love
  13. PeaceGrow

    Leaf tips brown, falling off: what is it?

    CAL MAG 12-15 bucks at your local grow store GET ASAP good luck
  14. PeaceGrow

    Decent Lights?

    just for vegging get you some good ol flourecent, cheap and great for Veg :) good luck!
  15. PeaceGrow

    Tiger Stripes on Seeds?

    Tiger stripes = GOOD Genes, Could still be male just means it has a good chance at popping! GOOD LUCK
  16. PeaceGrow

    ? About running light 24/0

    They are alive and like us and need to rest, thats why you see them "sleeping" when you first turn light on, also HEAT, Does it stay hot 24 hours outside? no, You are mother nature, therefore you want to be JUST LIKE HER!! a plant does most of its "thinking" at night, THC production, ETC, also...
  17. PeaceGrow

    *!liberty haze deep cheese lets show <3 1 nother! Suggestions :) one love!*

    her she is...on the right the bushy other is deep cheese
  18. PeaceGrow

    *!liberty haze deep cheese lets show <3 1 nother! Suggestions :) one love!*

    shes doing awesome, going to take some pics today and post!! I appreciate the feedback, Thecom, KEEP ME INFORMED! And come back this evening check photos, So far im liking the strain, VERY Bushy!!
  19. PeaceGrow

    Urgent!!!! Bad Ballast???

    NEVER overload i did this by putting a 400 watt into 1 150 one time! it could have but i suggest trying bulb first good luck buddy!
  20. PeaceGrow

    What nutes are best?

    advanced nutrients