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  1. PeaceGrow

    looking mighty fine my friend love your canopy and curious do you plan on doing a sea of green...

    looking mighty fine my friend love your canopy and curious do you plan on doing a sea of green or net? or do you just support them as they do, i ask because looks like you are going to have some killer buds! Nice greens, Killing it especially for 4x4
  2. PeaceGrow

    Massive leaf death in flower. Next step.

    the color in your plants leafs will do this at the end, did you get the mites under control? what did you use/do to eliminate the mites? Also when did you first notice them? thanks! grow on!
  3. PeaceGrow


    okay you got me there, it is not super super important, It depends on the grower and what you are using, If someone isnt natural and is using say advance nutes then there would be a bulid up of salts and other unwanted stuff, if you have high run off (PPM)i think it is super important to flush...
  4. PeaceGrow


    It can be, If you are using heavy nutes, I flush one time and then only if i have a problem. I believe flushing is super super important in the final week. Every grower is going to tell you something different, but it all depends on what kind of medium,nutes etc. thanks
  5. PeaceGrow

    Seedling help

    Hey there friend, did you happen to spill any nutrient mix/get anything on it, i think that could just be your plant, I have had this and know it was not caused by any kind of biting, i would just watch her i bet she comes right out of it. Have a great night.
  6. PeaceGrow

    been a while, but have had so many grow, lots of pic to share with you guys n gals!!!

    been a while, but have had so many grow, lots of pic to share with you guys n gals!!!
  7. PeaceGrow

    Random Girl Grow!

    Just thought I would Let everyone follow my third Medical Grow! I love growing my medicine, Hope you guys will follow with me, Just topped the biggest girl, These are 8 different girls out of my grows from the years, ( i make my own seeds and I would love to trade if anyone out there does :) I...
  8. PeaceGrow

    day 37 flower is this calmag def?

    looks great man! Can you say enough about Connoisseur?! and AN, They look awesome, keep it up! what strain was this? the way im having a cal mag i believe in my DWC, your leafs look just like they should at this point my brother, happy saint p day stay green!
  9. PeaceGrow

    Hey guys its been a while but im back with some QUESTIONS!! (& answers 4 ppl) HELP!!!

    i have city water on a carbon filter, PPM is 20-30 as is, I have always bought distilled and had ZERO problems last time, on one of the best 6 strain crops, 2 lbs + that i have ever had, Well when I figured out, This whole time i felt stupid for buying the distilled, but WAS I? Never had a...
  10. PeaceGrow

    trying to get rid of algae....

    Hydrogen Peroxide, Give it a try! :)
  11. PeaceGrow

    flat top buds

    are you growing just one strain? because that may just be they way she grows!
  12. PeaceGrow

    cloning not going so well

    Do you have a Humidity Dome?? This can play a HUGE factor, IT will help help temps. and most of all, The prefect conditions (Make sure you mist the clones) Sounds like your "environment" wasnt suited for the clones, a dome can hold MANY clones in Rockw. cubes...also I use Plugs... I believe...
  13. PeaceGrow

    Hey guys its been a while but im back with some QUESTIONS!! (& answers 4 ppl) HELP!!!

    sorry i thought i had posted one with out the HPS, the leaf i had taken pieces off to look under mag, Just showing the rust spots.....Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~PeaceGrow~
  14. PeaceGrow

    Hey guys its been a while but im back with some QUESTIONS!! (& answers 4 ppl) HELP!!!

    If you need any more pics or anything lmk guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Open to any ideas, methods to help my girl get/stay on a nice a path :) dwc is simply aaawweessssooooommeeee, i just need to pointers i assume, this is my first ever attempt in dwc by the way!!
  15. PeaceGrow

    Hey guys its been a while but im back with some QUESTIONS!! (& answers 4 ppl) HELP!!!

    hey my fellow RIU members, I have been doing my thing, as we all have and I of course had to get my hands "wet", meaning DWC, As some of you will know I am all about the flood and drain ( MAINLY bcuz the situation I am in, Simply works the best for me) Currently I have my 5x5 just partially full...
  16. PeaceGrow

    how do i grow "regular" seeds

    man sounds like you need to do some SERIOUS reading, there are tons of info on the site that is not in forums! i think this will help you the best!! Good luck
  17. PeaceGrow

    Seed pods or calyxes along with bananas

    its not worth it, it will pollinate your plants, and even if you did get and get something its going to be so full of seeds it will make you sick!!!! just end the suffering man, i know sounds harsh but i promise it happens to the best of us! good luck!
  18. PeaceGrow

    *!liberty haze deep cheese lets show <3 1 nother! Suggestions :) one love!*

    Really, I dont mind me some lemon once in a while! im so glad you told me that, they sent me some denfi. white wid. i was just about to pop them, i may just go with the Blue Thai or Pineapple express, YES i know i still have not grown it yet and EVERYONE has told me too, so i got me a 5 pack of...
  19. PeaceGrow

    *!liberty haze deep cheese lets show <3 1 nother! Suggestions :) one love!*

    thats what i herd but honestly im patient, and i am waiting on my just ordered 5x5 guerrilla grow tent, ST, Mainly is she skunky or more fruity? dense? Was your soil/h2o? and on a 1-10 star rating so far what would you give her?? and all these answer =(of course grown to potential), Ive got the...
  20. PeaceGrow


    taking a plant and making it have mulitple colas, instead of 1 huge one, you will have up to 4 that are still large and most the time is more bud thats why people do it, Not everyone is a topper though trust me! its whatever you like to do, try it on some of your plants maybe some bagseed or...