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  1. SaucyAussie

    what do you think my yeild will be

    One meelion dollars.
  2. SaucyAussie

    Help Needed (First Time Grower)

    HIDs are still king.
  3. SaucyAussie

    can you be heat detected by Ir

    Not entirely true. People have been busted in my city by getting greedy, running too many lights and getting turned in by the power company based on unusually high power consumption. Well, I personally know of a guy, but when you have a burglar alarm installed, set it to call the cops and you...
  4. SaucyAussie

    When should I change light into 12-12 ?

    Totally up to you depending on how much yield you want and how much space you're limited to.
  5. SaucyAussie

    Seeds seized at LA customs...

    Sure, but if I know cops they'll go after even a small operation if the opportunity arises. Granted, attitudes are relaxing and weed seems to be falling further down their agenda, but there are always the die hard, conservative, bible-thumping, "letter of the law" types.
  6. SaucyAussie

    Seeds seized at LA customs...

    Man, this would make me nervous as hell. Any government agency knowing about my operations would be enough for me to halt them altogether. This why I don't order anything online and when I buy something weed-oriented I pay cash in person. Maybe I'm just paranoid....
  7. SaucyAussie

    Simple temp question

    Nope, all good. :)
  8. SaucyAussie

    1000 Watt Bulbs

    I bought a 5500°K bulb for $50. I look for alternatives that aren't targeted at a specialty market and save tons of $. This bulb was recommended for aquariums.
  9. SaucyAussie

    can you be heat detected by Ir

    My local PD has four Hughes OH-6A helos......purchased from the Army.
  10. SaucyAussie

    can you be heat detected by Ir

    Again, it's a MOOT POINT, guys, in the US as it can't be used to get a warrant. I'd be far more worried about someone snitching on me than anything else.
  11. SaucyAussie

    can you be heat detected by Ir

    No, but they can "see" through roofs and other average construction materials, even adobe.
  12. SaucyAussie

    can you be heat detected by Ir

    Trust me, modern IR sensors can make out a human being in great detail against a desert backdrop. They can see minute contrasts in temperatures.
  13. SaucyAussie

    can you be heat detected by Ir

    It's not the amount of heat but the contrast with the surrounding temp. A 200w will absolutely be visible if the surrounding temp is < 80°F. <---Former Army Air Cav.
  14. SaucyAussie

    can you be heat detected by Ir

    Well, one thing you can do to mitigate this if you're worried about it is to have your lights on during the daytime hours. When the roof is hot from sunlight it makes the contrast MUCH more difficult to see.
  15. SaucyAussie

    can you be heat detected by Ir

    Yeah, you know some? LOL, totally kidding. :D Still, I've personally seen modern IR equipment in action and it certainly can see everything from the air, windows or no. Still a moot point in the US, it can't be used to obtain a search warrant. However, your power utility is asked to snitch on...
  16. SaucyAussie

    Tips needed on 2rd grow!

    Nutes in tap water? A bunch of minerals in unknown quantities is good? With distilled water you know exactly what you're giving your plants, no question mark. Not to mention, tap water minerals can react with hydro nutes and lock some of them out.
  17. SaucyAussie

    can you be heat detected by Ir

    Modern IR sensors used by cleanup specialists (fire damage, crime scene, etc.) can see detail through several layers of walls, and they're not a government agency with virtually unlimited resources. Still, technically a Constitutional violation and I agree with the above, like AC/DC said, "loose...
  18. SaucyAussie

    Tips needed on 2rd grow!

    Your tap water has dissolved solids in it, I wouldn't use it. RO water and distilled water are cheap. Why spend money on everything else but go cheap on the most important thing? My tap water has lime in it to prevent corrosion of the main water pipes, which can buildup in the soil and really...
  19. SaucyAussie

    can you be heat detected by Ir

    Kyllo vs The United States: This is assuming you're in the US.
  20. SaucyAussie

    hows it look?

    Keep doing whatever you're doing.