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  1. Z


    Yep those look like some balls to me. Show them no mercy!
  2. Z

    Moisture meter having "Issues"

    usually about 1/3 a gallon every 3-4 days. This time though I hosed the piss out of them because they were so dry.
  3. Z

    What do you think (Pics)

    Wow I really like that color!
  4. Z

    Moisture meter having "Issues"

    I think my moisture meter is having "issues" The one I bought is just one of those el-cheapo $5 Wal-Mart ones, usually does a pretty good idea f giving me a rough estimate if I dont feel like lifting the bucket. But lately it has been doing something odd, when I push the probe end into the soil...
  5. Z

    Those with 400/600w HPS/MH Setups

    Ive got a 400w system right now. I have it setup in one of those sliding door closets on one side. The temps for me top out at around 76, Ive never had it reach over 80. The only sort of ventilation is in the form of one of those window fans sucking air in from the empty side of the closet...
  6. Z

    Do I Have To Keep My Plants 2 Inches Below The CFLS????

    True, the fan breeze simulates real wind causing the stalks to get minute rips and tears in the fibers. When they continue to grow they get very strong stalks.
  7. Z

    Spinning Plants Under The Lights?

    Ditto on rotating plants, I only do it when I water though. I also switch up the position that they are in in the grow room. Left -> Right Front -> back ect. They're a little uneven but i'll forgive them :mrgreen:
  8. Z

    CFLer's who have switched to HID...

    I was once a CFL'er 6x42w to be exact, they did the trick dont get me wrong. But I wouldnt go back to them having now used a 400wMH/HPS setup. I do keep the old rig around though for, like you said, clones and seedlings.
  9. Z

    Do I Have To Keep My Plants 2 Inches Below The CFLS????

    The rule of thumb with CFL's is to get them as close as you can to the plant without burning the leaves. Since CFL's and other lights in general lose a lot of light power the further away they get you need to try and keep them as close as you can. As for the stem bending over, grab yourself a...
  10. Z

    philips SON lamp

    220 volts means that ballast is going to require a special electrical line. Same as a washer/dryer hookup. They do make ballasts for 120volt standard house current so it might not be a bad idea to look into it a little bit.
  11. Z


    Thats pretty toasty, generally 75-85 is ideal. My plants survived a couple rounds with 105+ degree temps and are still alive and kicking but for a seedling it might be a bit much, try and keep it cool.
  12. Z

    Foam cups for seedlings

    They can be used in a pinch if nothing better is available. Just make sure to poke some holes in the bottom of the cup for drainage. Another thing is you should think about transplanting them pretty early because those cups are pretty small and the plants get rootbound if left in there too long...
  13. Z

    10 guesses? What's the prob? just 4

    Wow that was a fast recovery, nice one!
  14. Z

    Where to get good CFL bulbs

    Ive used Light Bulbs, Rope Lights, Halogen & Fluorescent Light Bulbs before. Worked well for me and they have an awesome selection.
  15. Z

    More lights or higher wattage?

    Heat is the main concern here, hitting a little over 90 is not uncommon in this closet, so HPS would put it well into the fryer zone.
  16. Z

    check these babies out

    I think a good time to top them is when they are young and have about 5-7 nodes. But they can be topped up to when you start the flowering stage. Someone correct me if im wrong here.
  17. Z

    no harm done.........

    If they make you clean that mess up just for more fun ask them if they have any soap you can use. :mrgreen:
  18. Z

    Australia: The driest contenet on earth.

    My girlfriend just came back from studying abroad in Queensland AU late last night. She was going to James Cook. 4 Minute showers are nuts, I remember back in the day at camp we were limited to 2 minutes. No kidding, 2 minutes start to finish and there was literally someone standing outside the...
  19. Z

    When you were high what kind of food did you munch on?

    Pizza, mmm. If no pizza is in reach, everything else will do just fine!
  20. Z

    1 quik ? maybe a few more

    If you want to get any sort of buds from a female plant you will need to KILL the male.