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  1. Z

    under cfl's

    Wow that stalk looks about as thick as my thumb, haha way to grow man!
  2. Z

    Battery Lighting? (options)

    Build a big ol' windmill in the backyard and connect it to a battery, hehe stealthy. Im sure there are ways to have solar panels charge battery's but I'm really not sure how long even a standard car battery will operate a set of lights. BTW what type of lights are you going to be running, CFL's...
  3. Z

    Pitures of my 1st grow....need some advice

    By standard light you mean a regular incandecent flood light? If thats the case those are no good for growing. I doubt your plant is old enough to show any sort of preflowers just yet, you can either wait it out until it gets 100% mature or you can flower it now and see in about a week and a half.
  4. Z

    a few weeks into flowering

    I'm betting its the way you are watering them. Usually they sag or droop when its time to water them and then perk right back up as soon as they get a little something to drink.
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    Question about deodorizers?

    As long as you don't spray it directly on the plant I don't see why it would affect it.
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    Mylar Survival Blankets

    I threw one of those bad boys up in my room earlier this month, whether it's too wrinkled or not to do any good I don't know but it makes me feel better :mrgreen:
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    First Grow And Looking For Some Tips

    Taking a stab in the dark here but the last few letters there in caps (CW, med, WW) is what you need to be looking for. CW = Cool White - best for vegging med = Medium *dur* - supports whatever light is on WW = Warm White - best for flowering
  8. Z

    MALE Plant - Identification!

    They say that males show first... It looks like a male to me, sorry buddy. I would let them go for another few days at least just to make 100% sure.
  9. Z

    flowering times

    There are several ways of controlling height, topping, FIM'ming, LST'ing ect. You can find guides on these methods in the GrowFaq at the top of the page. You will notice once your plants go on 12/12 they will in fact speed up their growing but that should never be a substitute for allowing them...
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    just got my 400-watt hps system.

    I'm pretty sure the reason for not touching them is the same as Halogen bulbs, they will just plain blow up! I've touched mine and wiped them down before without issue, just make sure that they are cooled before you go about doing anything with them. Remember, thermal shock and glass don't mix...
  11. Z

    New grower looking for tips

    Unfortunately that 24" floro tube will be obsolete in about a week or so, they just dont put out enough light for a full grow. Do yourself a favor in the meantime and ditch that plastic cover and move the plants up as close as you can get them to the tube without burning them. I would not be...
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    Green seeds are too immature to germ IMO The greenish/brown ones are a step in the right direction but the real ones you need to be looking out for are the dark brown/tiger stripey ones.
  13. Z

    CFL Ballast Mod

    Bahahaha :mrgreen:
  14. Z

    For all the nerds out there...

    How on earth did you pull that one off? Reveal your secrets!
  15. Z

    Issues with USPS shipments?

    I was looking for a glass piece to call my own and found that one vendor came highly recomended on RIU, well on July 29th I placed an order with them online for a small Ice bong, nothing special, just a little 36 cm cheapie. Well their website claims 7-14 business day delivery coming from...
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    New grower looking for tips

    How many of those floro tubes do you have in there? Those tube lights are notorious for putting out very low levels of light. A step up would be some CFL's. The more light the better! You could start off with some nutrients but if you do, start off slow. Maybe start with 1/4 strength or so until...
  17. Z

    First Grow And Looking For Some Tips

    Plants like to stay seperate, 1 to a pot is the general rule.
  18. Z

    12/12 oops!

    I remember hearing somewhere that it takes a plant 30 minutes to adjust to light changes. IE going from dark to light.
  19. Z

    my plant is male

    Sure you can smoke it, but the most you will get is a headache. Males dont produce enough THC to get you anywhere. As for the seeds, you would need a female too. Seeds result from females collecting male pollen to produce seeds instead of buds. If you let the male flower, the only thing that...
  20. Z

    Drug test cheat sheet.

    I remember a thread either here or somewhere else abut how long certain things stay in your system. Here is something i stumbled across this morning while trolling the interwebs. Thought some of you might find it useful. :blsmoke: Cheat on a Drug Test / Wired How To's