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  1. Z

    Dumb question about ladies....

    The way I understand it is that technically yes they can be put back into a vegitative state and re-flowered all over again. It isn't really a good idea because it takes a long time for them to recover from the shock of having most of their limbs hacked off. Sometimes they come out screwey too...
  2. Z

    question about women smoking weed

    I love the fact that my girl tokes up with me. Makes things very convenient and she is so laid back about it. Plus she gets very horny when shes ripped :hump::hump::mrgreen:
  3. Z

    question about harvest time

    Naw not likely, mine have been going for quite a while now, even just the flowering stage has taken up 70+ days and are still a little ways from being done. Then there is the whole dyring/curing which takes forever as well.
  4. Z

    It dose not smell like weed

    From what I understand that is totally normal. It is all the nasty stuff like chlorophyll leaching out of the bud, it should clear up as the curing process continues.
  5. Z

    Are they ever going to finish!?

    My 3 bagseed plants have been flowering since about the first of September, maybe a little bit earlier. They just dont want to finish. The trichs are mostly cloudy with a few clear still left, probably a 70/30 mix and a random amber here and there. I dont know the strain so I cant really tell...
  6. Z

    Where can i get a 30x loupe?

    Do you have a Radio Shack? - Cables, Parts & Connectors: Tools & soldering equipment: Magnifiers: Illuminated Microscope This is what you would be looking for there. You could always order online too I suppose. P.S. Look at the costomer reviews for that scope. Hilarious...
  7. Z

    Marijuana Leaf Blunt Should give you some idea of what to do. I'd think regular wraps would be smoother though, no clorophyll to smoke up. :peace:
  8. Z


    I leave my fan on 24/7 it isnt really going to hurt anything. Keep it oscelating, it builds stronger plants in the end. I wouldnt worry too much about seeing the leaves move, the main goal of the fan is to keep the air moving not to physically move your plants around. Good Luck
  9. Z

    Watterlogged seeds.

    Na those baby's were nice and brown, some with tiger stripes. Not a green/white one in the bunch. I'm going to throw a few more in a seperate papertowel and try again. How can I be expected to mutilate these plants when I can't even get them out of their seeds... :mrgreen:
  10. Z

    Cloning & lighting???

    Im no expert but I remember reading that they like 24/0 but the light needs to be moved further away from them.
  11. Z

    Do seeds need light?

    No, unless there are leaves poking out of the ground you do not need light on them. Light can actually hurt the plants if too much of it gets to the taproot.
  12. Z

    Watterlogged seeds.

    Pretty sure i messed up germ'ing a few of my seeds. It has been a week without seeing a single tap root pop out. I think I flooded the poor buggers. I did the paper towel method but I probably used too much water. Anyway, will seeds dry out and be useable again or are they toast?
  13. Z

    Light time exposure

    12/12 - 12 hours with lights on, then 12 hours lights off.
  14. Z

    Lets try this again - Second Grow

    My current grow took a turn for the worse in the last week or two of flowering. They were doing well up until I left for a 3 day vacation. I watered them and set my timers correctly but when I came back they looked HORRID. :evil: Many many burned leaves all curling downward and just in general...
  15. Z

    murcury vapor help

    I know that my 400w M59 Ballast will run both Metal Halide and Mercury Vapor, check your ballast for a number like the one I mentioned and then check which one the bulb runs on. If it matches then you're in business. Even if it dosnt work out the reflector/mogul socket should be pretty universal.
  16. Z

    WTF is a calyx how do i tell the diff

    Because it had just fallen off the plant once it popped and spread its pollen to the rest of your crop, ruining the nice sensimilla you once had.
  17. Z

    400 watt HPS HID "Shop Lights"

    The ballast is internal, it's that little white box thingy on top. My setup actually utilizes a similar light, except mine is designed for parking lots ect. They work just fine but make sure that the ballast is set up to run on house current.
  18. Z

    How should I adjust PH?

    The way you adjust the Ph with soil is to adjust the Ph of the water going into the soil. If you dont have a hydro store near you your next best bet would actually be a pet shop. Ive been in there a couple times and saw liquids to adjust Ph up or down in the fish stuff area.
  19. Z

    LEAVES Curling

    How much water are you giving them? And btw, did you say HEAT lamp? Those have no place in the grow room. All they'd be good for is roasting the little buggers. Get yourself some CFL's or even better a HID lamp and they'd be a lot happier.
  20. Z

    Should I LST this bitch?

    If im not mistaken you need to LST in the early stages of vegging, by the time you hit that far into flowering it may be too late.