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  1. RezzinTehSeahorse

    Check my 1st Outdoor Medical Grow!

    organic is the way to go, and that is one hell of a spot. i'd like to see an old man there- i bet he'd have his wheel chair tricked out with like mountain bike tires n roll bars.....XD
  2. RezzinTehSeahorse

    newbie light question.

    keep those fluorescent fixtures as close as you can to the top of your plant(s). you could also get some cfl's (the curly bulb fluorescents) and pop them into the sockets and just increase the overall amount of light bouncing around in the closet. if you're worried about your plant(s) holding...
  3. RezzinTehSeahorse

    Expecting my first child!

    Congratulations Man! it always seems like when you want to have a kid, its hard to do. but when you dont want one, like when ur 17 or something, it happens all to easily. (just an observation) but none the less what great day for you
  4. RezzinTehSeahorse

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    oh billy- those are looking great, fluorescents rock
  5. RezzinTehSeahorse

    noob looking for some advice on my first grow =)

    cant complain with 79, is that your max temp?
  6. RezzinTehSeahorse


    Have gentle light on them immediately, or very soon, after they poke out of the dirt
  7. RezzinTehSeahorse

    Big Buddha Blue Cheese under CFLs

    nice! where'd ya get the high wattage cfl's
  8. RezzinTehSeahorse

    Things you enjoy doing high

    i really enjoy hiking while baked- also biking, and not to mention video games. -physics and calculus are interesting but it can be hard to get anywhere
  9. RezzinTehSeahorse

    florescents in a closet HELP

    keep them as close as you can. what type of tubes are they? if not sure, do they run cool to the touch? you could get a couple cheap cfl's and hang them in between plants to maximize the amount of light possible. the key here is keeping them as close as possible. also make sure your walls are...
  10. RezzinTehSeahorse

    noob looking for some advice on my first grow =)

    -Nice setup- I think you would benefit greatly by adding more light- a couple more sockets and cfl's - ( you can 42 watt cfl's from wally world).
  11. RezzinTehSeahorse

    are my roots too long

    Big roots = big buds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. RezzinTehSeahorse

    CFL bagseed lst grow

    nice setup where'd ya get the 42 watt cfl's ?
  13. RezzinTehSeahorse


    nirvana seeds has a good rep, and they ship very discretely
  14. RezzinTehSeahorse

    Outdoor HELP!

    a general rule of thumb to start out with is- one gallon per foot of vertical growth (1 gallon pot could support 1 foot plant). Start out with something like 1 part perlite to three parts fox farm
  15. RezzinTehSeahorse

    First Outdoor Grow

    thanks doowmd, The spot I will be at has trees nearby so I'll have them under the trees first for a few days. I will then transplant them to their spots, I have some black meshing lying around so I'll make a temporary canopy out of that to give some relief from the sun. eventually I should not...
  16. RezzinTehSeahorse

    First Outdoor Grow

    Thank you again angus. Anybody else have anything to add?
  17. RezzinTehSeahorse

    my little friends...

    they look tasty man- what are they?
  18. RezzinTehSeahorse

    MD a good state?

    Yep - outdoors is a whole different ball game. But thats where the plants originated so they can definitely handle it
  19. RezzinTehSeahorse

    Need Help with a design!!!

    if its going to be attached to a venting hose, it might move a bit, but it will be pretty stable. The bungee cord idea is a good idea too, give it a try
  20. RezzinTehSeahorse

    Need Help with a design!!!

    If it is able to be hung? (Either attached to the ceiling via screws and small cord/rope/chain or possible a crossbar in your PVC skeleton) That would sounds like the easiest thing to do to me, also if you decide to hang it- you can incorporate two rubber loops into the hanging system to prevent...