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  1. streets8r88

    How long till the clone is dead if there is an air bubble? PICSS

    Ive tried many times with just water, slight nutes, cloning gel, making sure no O2 gets into the stem, dome, no dome, misting, no misting, and bullocks nothing ever worked. They all turned shitty after 7-10 days, shriveled and died. Finally after getting an airstone and small air pump, they stay...
  2. streets8r88

    how many CFL watts do i need for 36 aero clones? how should i keep my mother?

    you only need a little light for cloning. too much light makes they wanna grow instead of root. some people only clone with ambient lighting...
  3. streets8r88

    Plants wont grow

    That just looks like they aren't getting what they need to grow right. You should give soil a shot. It's much more forgiving and easier to manage the plant's size. Then try experimenting later.
  4. streets8r88

    King's kush grow journal

    Yea I wouldn't do KK again. It's too fluffy. Grows great but the yield is just not there.
  5. streets8r88

    How is my Plant doing? first grow!

    Planning on bringing it indoors for flowering?
  6. streets8r88

    How is my Plant doing? first grow!

    Looks like it's doing fine. Congrats
  7. streets8r88

    Never seen this.

    Fan blowing on them?
  8. streets8r88

    Concerned for a friend.

    If he's going to change anything it needs to be on his terms because he will fall back into the same habits constantly. Try to get him involved in the matter. Look at local institutes that you could try to sign up for a nutrition course with him. It would give him something to do as well as help...
  9. streets8r88

    SLH x ??? Give me YOUR opinion!

    Nothing man. It's really an awesome strain as is. Already perfected. Maybe just maybe tho if you're into flavors try a berry flavor cross and try to turn out a warhead like flavor and you'll have a winner in flavor. Dunno what else tho. Grinding up slh is like grinding up hash. It's really dank...
  10. streets8r88

    Is 150 Watt HPS Enough?

    I'll let you be the judge. I've used (2) 68W CFL's from home depot along with a 150W hps and i've gotten 86 g one harvest and 100 g the next. 4 plant setup. highest yielder was slh at just over 50 g of hash like covered bud. same closet size btw.
  11. streets8r88

    HELP! Leaf Yellowing.

    Yeh I agree with mj on adding the perlite at least. Need to get some oxygen in between a lil of the soil so it can breath well. Keep it simple with plain water till it's healthy. P.s. When in doubt, flush it out.
  12. streets8r88

    Why are my plants looking like this?

    Yikes. Thats not looking very good. Burnt new growth is never a good thing. How long has it been since the tops have shown significant growth? Like a few inches taller?
  13. streets8r88

    very few pistils, not sure why

    Looks like some fat calyxes to me. Some cheese strains look like that with fat calyxes and few hairs. More than likely just genetic. Even with nute burn a plant with a gene pool of lots of hair will still be hairy.
  14. streets8r88

    Nearly 4 weeks 12/12 and no buds

    If your plants arent responding normally then keep reducing. Drop it down more than 12/12. Try start doing 10/14 or 9/15 or just decreasing closer to harvest. Make them react to the light cycle.
  15. streets8r88

    150w HPS, is this enough, or do I need more?

    As much as a nice big 400W hps would be sweet, it puts out a lot of heat so you gotta have good ventilation too. I use a 150W hps and 2 68W CFLs. The CFLs add a nice touch to the yield imo because you can get them within inches of the plant and it hardly puts out much heat so you dont need to...
  16. streets8r88

    Perpetual harvest with 1000watts hps ...trying to harvest every 3

    Check out a great thread on perpetual grows.. Start reading and you'll learn a lot about timing and ways to keep it going well. He harvests every Thursday night for a pretty sick 1 harvest per week. Cant get...
  17. streets8r88

    How to tell when to cut and bag males for pollen extraction?

    The main thing that the seed production tutorial doesnt emphasize is that the pollen isn't just inside the sack. The pollen is inside the nanners that grow in the sack. The nanners explode when the sack opens up and that's what releases the pollen. After they explode they look like little...
  18. streets8r88

    How to tell when to cut and bag males for pollen extraction?

    Well when you just let the male grow till you think the sacks are gonna pop, you'll prob have loose pollen all over... the sacks can just pop open whenever if you cant pay attention like every few hours when its larger. However letting it pop in a controlled environment is a sure way of...
  19. streets8r88

    Blue Widow & Bubblicious

    Looks good man. I'm looking forward to seeing how your grow goes :). I'm subscribed.
  20. streets8r88

    King Kush, 13 days after sprout

    I've been very impressed with Kings Kush. Very strong plant. Supercrops really well. Even almost broke off the main cola but zip tied it back together for a while and the stem healed and got as thick as a thumb. Grew into a nice bush with an even canopy. I just did lst and supercrop but topping...