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  1. tgo

    5 weeks flowering - 217w lot watage CFL's

    Funny thing is it still smells like fresh cut grass... @whynot - how long did you veg? How tall is she? She looks very close to mine.
  2. tgo

    5 weeks flowering - 217w lot watage CFL's

    Is this looking ok for 5 and a half weeks flowering? Its my first grow and am not sure what to expect but i think its going well for a bag seed. Veg'd for a month and a week till it got to 13 inches. Size 2'9" not growing upwards anymore.. Lights surrounding the plant with almost all cola's...
  3. tgo

    Best CFL Manufacturer

    Well i am not sure on brand, but why are you looking at 4100k CFL's. They are almost useless to plants. 6500k and 2700k are the best numbers to look at.
  4. tgo

    Adding more light for flowering?

    I think you have the right idea, just add the two new bulbs and everything will be fine as long as the ventilation is good enough.
  5. tgo

    Low-Wattage CFL Growers!

    1x42w 2x9w 1x23w 5x13w ------- 148w 4 weeks into flower and its about 3ft 2 inches. Almost too big for my lights.
  6. tgo

    help switching to 12/12

    just 12/12 them now. No need to introduce lol.
  7. tgo

    Best places to buy cfl's

    Walmart here in canada just got in some 150-200 watt normal receptacle bulbs in both 6500k and 2700k. They are up for $10 - $18. Would almost be worth it to buy them up and sell them out.
  8. tgo

    First-timer grow cheap start

    You can just splice the two fans into one power supply. Might run at a lower speed though.
  9. tgo

    New Grower looking for advice (pics)

    Just an update 4 weeks flower. Think its going fairly well.
  10. tgo

    first grow! (pictures of setup)

    Yes it should be fine.
  11. tgo

    Aluminium Foil and CFL's

    Yes you can use most car window reflectors (to keep the sun from heating up your car) as most are made of mylar. However Flat white paint is the most durable. @RyanTheRhino - I would love to try one of those as a reflector for sure.
  12. tgo

    first grow! (pictures of setup)

    are those red 2700k lignts? Are you flowering now? If not they should be blue 6500k or close.
  13. tgo

    Aluminium Foil and CFL's

    Tin Foil is also electrically conductive so if your not using the proper capping on all of your wires than you can hurt yourself like i did at first. 2 open wires + 1 bare foot on the tinfoil = Quite a jolt.
  14. tgo

    First-timer grow cheap start

    I use an old computer power supply. But for you any 12 volt DC old charger will work well. I used an old linksys router power supply at my start. Try the second hand stores in your area or even the dollar store.
  15. tgo

    Help: When to change lights

    You need 2700k for flowering, 6500k for veg. it can be others but get as close as possible, and nothing between 4000 - 5000 IMO. And to change them out it doesn't matter much for the short amount of time you will be changing. I would just add a few large cfls to the sides if you can. Tubes are...
  16. tgo

    First grow evar! Skunk #1 in soil under CFL (Organic)

    Soil is too wet from what i see, the yellowing could be over watering as well. If your roots are in a mud pit, its too wet. About once every 1 - 1 1/2 weeks in my experience is fine until they grow at least 3 point leaves.
  17. tgo

    Show me your CFL Grows!!!

    Ahh lst. I would get them as close to the bulbs as possible without burning the leaves. Just add some books to the bottom and take them away when it gets too close.
  18. tgo

    2 Foot Cola Grown w/ 3-23watt CFL's

    how much did that weigh?
  19. tgo

    Show me your CFL Grows!!!

    Is that 4 plants in 1 bucket? If so you will have a hell of a time splitting them up if you want to in the future. That bucket doesn't look big enough for 4 to grow to maturity. They will also be fighting for nutrients and water.