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  1. D

    I think They have the Wilts

    Is there any colour change on the leaves? The plant looks good, I think maybe it's just too hot,seedling isn't fully erect yet, or like you said the medium is too wet. I dry the rockwool out with a fan set to oscillate pointed down slightly every couple days
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    Auto AK + Skunk x BigBud ~3rd wk

    I'd love to have feedback guys, feel free to post! Little update, turns out the drooping was a mild nute lock out, switched to fresh water with 1/2 teaspoon of epsom, came home 5 hours later and the house wreaked of skunk! I can't keep the door open at all to the next room or the whole house...
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    where to get "pc fans"

    Check out this big 220 CFM 120MM PC fan
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    HELP! Wife against idea of me having a grow room..

    Buy a closet for the garage to "sort your tools" into, put a lock on it and when you're done show her. Next remove all that crap throw in your grow shit, put a hole for a fan on the back and you're good to go. Only thing now is when you're "dry" you're going to have to go for a ride to meet...
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    hps for entire grow

    yes you can. But you won't get as tight of node spacing. There are also the more expensive high end HPSes that produce a lot of blue and a lot of red light, or if you haven't got your ballast yet buy a digital ballast for a wee bit more and it can use MH and HPS lights on one ballast
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    Switching from marijuana to other plants

    Are there any different rules for growing other plants hydroponically indoors? 50% strength nutes, 18/6 lights, 12/12 to fruit etc?
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    450watt Closet CFL Papaya Grow(2nd)

    Looks like a nice setup, you could easily later change to a HPS system and have side lighting with CFLs!
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    Auto AK + Skunk x BigBud ~3rd wk

    Little more info. This is a closet grow, but my closet is hugeafuckabig so expect awesome shit from me later on. Heres a picture of the exhaust. Through the wall and into the next room into a cabinet with the door open a crack. Put an air freshener globe in the hole, room smells like sour...
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    Auto AK + Skunk x BigBud ~3rd wk

    Hey guys, welcome to my grow! This is my first big toys grow. My last grow was in two rubbermaid totes with 8 CFLs of both types. I originally started with 6 but due to a few set backs we're down to 3. 2 AKs and 1 SxBB. The SxBB is just spitting out the 7th node as we speak so I'm hoping to...
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    Peroxide and roots

    My plants have a yeast problem ( lesson learned, homemade CO2 gens aren't good!). They're in a slightly bastardized bubbleponic system. Instead of giving them pure water on their flush days (I give them regular water every week for 24 hrs) can I pour peroxide ( 1 TBSP 3% peroxide per 1 cup) on...
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    Sprouts are all white?

    Hi I'm growing auto AK 47 and Dr Chronics Alpha 13. Both are in rockwool and are at the point where they're still in dark, some with the seed shells off but first leaves aren't fully extended yet. My last grow my seedlings were green with red stems, is it normal for them to be white? (I'd...
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    outside air

    How important is fresh outside air to the plants? I'm currently in the middle of moving. The place has a storage room that I want to grow inside but there are no windows near the room to open. Will a box fan or two with the door open be sufficient?
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    I know what THC is, but..

    I've heard of reports that UVB lights during flowering will increase crystals. I also heard that you get more crystals if you give them a molasses feeding before you start your flush
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    DWC rez size?

    Hey all, I'll be starting a grow with auto AK 47 and Dr Chronic's Alpha 13. I would like to have 6 plants per rubbermaid tote, how big should the res be?