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  1. GKID69

    Wow don't fucking tell me this is a dude

    Thanks a bunch guys it's a learning experience that I enjoy and I'll def make sure I post updates of this girly soon :) I alrdy Put the male outside lmao fucker
  2. GKID69

    Wow don't fucking tell me this is a dude

    I see them I see 4 two protruding off each top I hope bit I'm like 99 % sure it's a female
  3. GKID69

    Wow don't fucking tell me this is a dude

    What cha thank? :)
  4. GKID69

    Wow don't fucking tell me this is a dude

    I got this other hoe this has to be female lol ;)
  5. GKID69

    Wow don't fucking tell me this is a dude

    These are the only ones I see throughout the whole plant so idk but whatever then
  6. GKID69

    Wow don't fucking tell me this is a dude

    Terrible :( :( :(
  7. GKID69

    Wow don't fucking tell me this is a dude

    That a certainty ?
  8. GKID69

    Wow don't fucking tell me this is a dude

    So far it's been a week into 12/12 and these are the only ones I see right now what u think
  9. GKID69

    First time grow 3 weeks in experiencing a *Problem*

    ^ don't give out advice lol
  10. GKID69

    Lemon ku$h :D

    Yea def. to its just how it goes :/ lol I'll be happy to pull an oz off all these plants I'll be happy to just have some of my own weed lmao :) but yea next time around I will def buy and make my Set up dope as hell. Lol I was such a noob thinking that this setup would be a really good one but...
  11. GKID69

    1st time groweR.. Plant looking ok? How much can this Yield? sorry.. Lol

    I mean this is my 1st Legit grow I'll be happy to get to flower at have something of my own to Smk :P I have 6 CFLS ranging from like 30-40 watts each so if that helps with a yield I could possible get. If anything what's the least do u think I can yield of her?
  12. GKID69

    1st time groweR.. Plant looking ok? How much can this Yield? sorry.. Lol

    lol when u say 3 o's u mean Ozs right? lmao im just stupid and i would be utterly happy as fuck if i got anywhere near 3 ozs. Uve been nice and answered many of my questions on here Thanks again
  13. GKID69

    Lemon ku$h :D

    lol the best pic i have.. aha
  14. GKID69

    1st time groweR.. Plant looking ok? How much can this Yield? sorry.. Lol

    These questions get asked alot.. i know.. Im just trying to get any type of an Idea from ppl who have alrdy grown and Smked their own shit :D lol So is it looking ok? & How much can she potentiality yield in ur opinion? cool thanks No Negativity here lol ;-)
  15. GKID69

    Lemon ku$h :D

    lol yea the one is a big whore hoggin all the space lmao idk why the other one hasnt taken off but its ok :D learning things as we go still gotta long ways to budding so well c :bigjoint:
  16. GKID69

    Lemon ku$h :D

    ghetto as fuck lol who knows whats gonna happen with these
  17. GKID69

    Lemon ku$h :D

    Ur bitches look very healthy ;) here go my girls still no sign ;/
  18. GKID69

    Male plant

    Lmao ^ goodness
  19. GKID69

    18 to 24

    IMO Nope :)
  20. GKID69

    The Official Rap/Hip Hop Thread

    U must me a retard lay off the pot u dumby