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  1. Toker88

    Should I keep it or no?

    I second that... sorry for your loss.
  2. Toker88

    HELP --- My clones are wilting

    Your plants need air dude-- make sure they have air or they will die... Good luck
  3. Toker88

    are my babies gonna make it??!! purple kush and bull rider clones

    Can you give some history?? I mean did you recently change anything in their young lives so-to-speak? How often do you water? What kindof soil are you using? I think ppl are going to need some more details before they can give out advice man.
  4. Toker88

    omfg: parents found my plants!!!! help me!!!

    ...'nuff said. lol. Dumbass.
  5. Toker88

    diying leafs

    I would say never cut the leaves off your plant-- leave them be, your plant will either use them to produce food or make food with them lol so let the ladies decide what they want to do-- your plant will shed them off if they don't need them. As for the bugs-- deal with that immediately! Insects...
  6. Toker88

    The Bugs you WANT in your garden...

    Hey Man-- Sorry for the delayed response, I didn't see this entry till now--- as for getting some lady bugs in your apt, I mean if it doesn't bother you, I don't see why not... however I'd recommend perhaps the lady beatles instead-- at least they don't fly around(pretty sure they don't have...
  7. Toker88

    spider mites?!?

    Hey man-- I don't know about lady bug sales in your area, but they may not be the best suited for the job. Here's a link to my thead-- have a look I would just take a large container and go scouting the woods for some...
  8. Toker88

    leaves yellow brown spots -- hope that helps.
  9. Toker88

    Anyone get single leaves in their grows??

    What kindof nutrients have you fed the plants? They look real good, but the lower leaves are yellowing a bit too. I'm not a very experienced grower, so take it with a grain of salt, but my plants (tho much younger then yours) were getting single leaf growths, due to a nute def. in Phosphorus...
  10. Toker88

    Dog dug up my plant!!!

    Wow my sympathies man, thats harsh... But the plants really don't look good... If you see no improvement shortly(within 24 hours or so), may as well try to dry em out see what happens. Worse case scenario, find someone who sells good dope and get some for him. I really wish you all the...
  11. Toker88

    Help help urgent please help

    Check out his post, tell your friend to get some of these bugs... however you may want to look into a special bug spray-- I've read about it many times, you can use it up until harvest... hhmm sorry man I can't remember the...
  12. Toker88

    Leaves "clawing"

    Do you have pics? Yellowing tips is a sign of nute burn. Have you given any fertz to the plant? Take a look at this Could also be a def. in nutrients-- sortof hard to say without a picture but take a look and use your best judgement. Good luck.
  13. Toker88

    Mutated leafs?

    wow... strange... what kindof strain is it???? What kindof nutrients have u been feeding it?
  14. Toker88

    The Bugs you WANT in your garden...

    Thankx :) Jus' happy to help.
  15. Toker88

    NPK test in soil?

    I bought a Ph soil test kit, and it came with the testing tools for the NPK too. It was 9$ at canadian tire... works well enough for me :)
  16. Toker88

    if a plant can be found it deserves to be taken? +rep for thoughts and comments.

    hahaha never said I didn't want it, just mean its not necessary in order to illicit a response :) I'm quite certain you will get a lot of replies on this thread-- but most normal people sleep in on Sunday I think... Well take it easy!
  17. Toker88

    quick question for everybody.

    From germinated marijuana seeds to fully developed seedlings The marijuana seeds germination process for cannabis seedlings goes through distinct stages of growth and development. The timetable of seedling development is divided into six stages so check your seedlings to be sure that they...
  18. Toker88

    if a plant can be found it deserves to be taken? +rep for thoughts and comments.

    lol I agree with you man, that shit is fucked up! I remember grown' up in British Columbia and my father would grow a crop every year lol. The one year his plants turned out amazing, he had planted them in the backyard (we had 7 achres of forest) and the day before he goes to harvest-- som...
  19. Toker88

    Stunted Plant?

    I think if you just giv'r some time she should be fine. Perhaps she's just a late bloomer. If your other plants are doing well, your obviously not screwing it up -- so give it time and see what happens.
  20. Toker88

    How are these looking?

    Hey man-- Just wanted to let ya know thatyour plants look amazing! Great job :clap: