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  1. Toker88

    The Bugs you WANT in your garden...

    Cool thankx Fletch-- appreciate it.
  2. Toker88

    Does anyone like the Tv show, House?

    Hhaha I hear ya man!It has to be one of the best shows on Tv... Another great show (similar to House, but more like the X files lol) is called Fringe -- any of you guys watch that show? Its wicked cool... If you like House, you'll like Fringe too. Let me know if someone wants a link for the...
  3. Toker88

    Does anyone like the Tv show, House?

    Thats an interesting perspective on things, I never thought of it that way :) I always found Kutner somewhat of a protege to House as well... HHmm if it is a nut house, I wonder how he'll be involved in season 6? Do you think Cameron and Chase will last? lol... I wonder if someone will get...
  4. Toker88

    Does anyone like the Tv show, House?

    LMAO yeah for sure, I am too-- it's all I watch! The season premiere is sept 21-- two hours long!! Omg I can't wait. And yeah I now what you mean-- I'm not too sure if it' rehab or a metal institute but I'm leaning more towards rehab because it's either a vicotin overdose or mental illness---...
  5. Toker88

    Does anyone like the Tv show, House?

    One website (my fav) has all the episodes leading up to the very last when he checks into the rehab facility. They're all online and streaming so you don't have to download anything, just make sure you allow it to buffer :)
  6. Toker88

    Does anyone like the Tv show, House?

    lol Nice thats awesome! Oh BTW, how did that special day go that you were trying to plan-- her birthday I believe? I trust it went well?
  7. Toker88

    Does anyone like the Tv show, House?

    Hey ppl I'm basically addicted to the damn show, so if anyone else likes it too, I will take the time to post links to watch House online free-- Incase you're baked and bored, and ofcourse have a fast internet connection lol. Let me know :) :leaf:
  8. Toker88

    The Bugs you WANT in your garden...

    Lol very clever. Yes I should make a point to add a few more insects to the list-- Out of curiousity, where do you order these insects from? I'd love to get some for my backyard (peach tree was eatin alive over the spring, it barely has any leaves and the peaches resemble apricots! :S) but...
  9. Toker88

    Help with seeds!!!!

    Hey Man, If I were you, being a first timer, you should start out with bagseed, then once you have some experience underyour belt-- buy some good seeds from Nirvana or something... I'm not trying to offend, its just my opinion, that if its your first grow, your way more likely to make...
  10. Toker88

    keep or dump?

    Hey Man--- Yah... wow, those are very stretched out. I don't know if they're really worth saving, at 4 weeks old they're pretty behind in maturity. However, I would maybe keep the best one (probably the one thats not curling/bending) and germ some other seeds. Use the mutant as your test subject...
  11. Toker88

    1st plant, need advice, please

    I agree with Jeff here-- nutes are no good for sprouts, you gotta wait (I heard a bit longer) at about 3-4 weeks of maturity. I had the same problem with slow growth too, it was a massive Ph inbalance (soil was acidic at around 5.3 or so) so I transplanted in plain Ph balanced soil, and she...
  12. Toker88

    Party Foul

    LoL I played a nasty prank on someone before....haha this guy I know, he was always lying about everything, and whats worse-- he had severe moocher tendancies. That being said, I wanted to teach him a lesson... I was at grand bend with friends of mine, and decided I would prove a point by...
  13. Toker88

    Leafs are green, but feel dry?

    Great! next time she's dry I will give it a whack with the nute flush lol. Thank you for your advice.
  14. Toker88

    Party Foul

    Hahaha my canadian colloquialisms -- when I say "mag" its short for "maggot"-- someone who makes a complete ass of themselves when they're under the influence of anything -- examples would be the loud, annoying, moron who breaks everything, pukes and passes out on the living room floor. That...
  15. Toker88

    Party Foul

    I agree 100%-- also any kindof 'mag' behaviour will get you cut. Also, I hate moochers! Bah! Damn them all!
  16. Toker88

    The WAR

    Whatever they are, they're reproducing fast in the soil dude-- sux but its true. Most insects reproduce a new "litter" every few days... If our spraying/applying shit you need to do it vigorously... I would look into getting some sterile play sand and putting some on your top soil-- maybe...
  17. Toker88

    Leafs are green, but feel dry?

    Thankx for the input guys-- + rep for both of you :) Do you think I should try introducing nutes ? The plant is 1 month, and 2 days old approx. I have all purpose fert that is 20-20-20-- if I use that at an extremely diluted concentration-- would that work? I have fed a bit of bone meal and...
  18. Toker88

    Who the fuck are you?

    ... who the hell doesn't? lol chocolate Fondue is delicious!... MMMmm...
  19. Toker88

    Leafs are green, but feel dry?

    Hey Everyone-- I have a quick question... My plant which is my second attempt (therefore, trial and error still apply lol) looks fine, seeing as how she re-bounded from over-watering, a transplant and acidic soil (hard to believe she is still alive... least I'm hoping it a she) .... the...
  20. Toker88

    rooting seeds (root fell off)

    A sad morning indeed....