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  1. Toker88

    need help

    Not the smartest thing you've ever done man... as previously stated, get some pots and soil, transplant them individually, and hope to your higher power that the roots are salvagable once you untangle them, so-to-speak. Good luck.
  2. Toker88

    I Hate Stupid Drivers!

    Elderly drivers fuck ya-- they should have to take a mandatory test after a certain age to make sure they CAN still drive.... and yeah people piss me off-- One thing I really hate is when you're at a busy intersection, coming home from work, you're trying to turn left, waiting in the lane...
  3. Toker88

    GanjaFarmers09grow 5 out of 7 stolen..

    sorry for your loss-- but your remaining plants look great!! Good job man. -Best wishes
  4. Toker88

    Tips, Tricks, and Whatever lol

    Hey I just had a random thought I wanted to share... How helpful would it be to have a thread, with helpful tips and tricks, for growing and for things other then marijuana cultivation. If you can think of any, please add them in! 1) If you spill red wine on the carpet or sofa, put regular...
  5. Toker88

    Entertainment for the Baked.... take a good look!

    No doubt-- seeing that in person would be insane! Imagine actually being ableto create something so awesome... in my dreams lol.
  6. Toker88

    Entertainment for the Baked.... take a good look!

    Whats up RIU?! I figured I'd make a post for shits and giggles-- with a bunch of trippy optical illusions. Enjoy! hahaha 1) For this illusion, focus on the center + sign. Hold a solid stare for about 30 seconds. You should see the outter purple dots dissappear -- and once you come...
  7. Toker88

    what is your biggest fear?

    watching someone I love die... and be tortured or beat... and being completely powerless to do something... that would suck.
  8. Toker88

    Lets Hear Some JOKES!

    Hahaha thats cute. Nice one.
  9. Toker88

    The Bugs you WANT in your garden...

    Hey everyone! Glad so many of you enjoyed the thread-- Here are a few more insects for the list :) Aphidoletes is a small fly that feeds on over 60 species of aphids. The adults are free living, and the larval stages feed on aphids. It feeds by biting aphids in the legs and paralyzing...
  10. Toker88

    When to feed seedlings?

    lol true enough, all depends on the medium.
  11. Toker88

    ????? HELP Lack of, but lack of what. HELP ?????

    Hey man--- Check this out, it;s all you need. Best wishes
  12. Toker88

    When to feed seedlings?

    Id say wait atleast 2 weeks-- depending on the soil, you may not need to feed right away anyways. If your soil has fertilizers, don't feed for a while, if it doesn't, then waiting 2-3 weeks is good. Always start with 1/4 strength and work your way up slowly. Every other time you water you should...
  13. Toker88

    Lets Hear Some JOKES!

    Q: What's the difference between sin and shame? A: It's a sin to put it in, but a shame to pull it out hehhehe lol...
  14. Toker88

    Hate Harleys

    uuumm.... oka dude... whatever makes you happy... lol
  15. Toker88

    Lets Hear Some JOKES!

    a trucker drives his fully loaded rig to the top of a steep hill and starts down the other side when he notices a man and a woman making love in the center of the road. He blows his horn several times, but they don't budge. He slams on his brakes and stops just inches from them. Getting out of...
  16. Toker88

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    Thnkx for the reply. Unfortunately I ordered a soil tester -- however it won't arrive for atleast another week. I do have pics tho, sorry for the crappy quality, I had to take them w/ my phone.
  17. Toker88

    Does anyone like the Tv show, House?

    I most certainly hope your right-- Oh I hoe Cuddy and House get together!... I want them to have a kid lol! that would be crazy.... never happen lol... I'm definately making a movie night out of the premiere on the 21st! hehehe a nice big spliff and a big bowl of popcorn :)! Do you think the...
  18. Toker88

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    Hey man, I read the thread (most of it anyways) and its great-- thankx for posting it. I just had a quick question--- My plant who's just over a month old, is growin alright, but her stems are purple in colour and I read it could be a nute def-- so I flushed with 1/4 nute solution yesturday...
  19. Toker88

    Need hep first time grower here.

    To be honest, I've never used a fertilizer I didn't dissolve in water first, mainly for the fear of burning due to uneven distribution of the nutrients. One thing I do know, is follow the instructions but use at 1/4 strength the first time. Slowly work your way up. (Some ppl feed every time they...
  20. Toker88

    Does anyone like the Tv show, House?

    Nice, thankx for the extra link :)