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  1. Toker88

    Damn jail sucks! Anyone ever been in the pen?

    lol... a most entertaining read...
  2. Toker88


    A very good point. lol break out the dube and popcorn :)!
  3. Toker88


    Another good suggestion would be beneficial garden bugs-- Praying Mantis' are fun :) lol Good luck man!
  4. Toker88

    Leaves Dieing Off in 1 Day?!?!

    Hey man-- check this out. Hope it helps Good luck
  5. Toker88

    Is this over fertilization?

    Over fert usually creates burnted tips on the leaves that are yellow or brown.... how much are you watering/feeding? Take a look at the table-- should help steer you in the right direction. Best of luck to ya.
  6. Toker88

    Fed up with Spider mites.

    Hey man-- not too sure about answering the question you asked specifically-- however, I've heard Doctor Doom is one of the best on the market... Good luck
  7. Toker88

    why has this happened ?

    hahaha if you move to Canada or the US -- chicks will go ape shit for your english accent... (its hot) anyways good luck with your grow ps. I stated the thing about the accent, cuz I'm a chick who knows--- not some creepy dude making a pass at you.. hahaha
  8. Toker88

    why has this happened ?

    lol I'm in Ontario-- believe me, this summer ha been horrible weather as well.... I can count the amount of sunny weekend on one hand :(... the weather is like 17 degrees... if that! totally sucks...we were robbed of our summer only to endure another long, brutal winter... F*ck I hate the...
  9. Toker88

    why has this happened ?

    I'd say start your seedlings in a plastic, cheap cup-planter (they're not too large, but large enough for the root system to dev. nicely) wait a few weeks (or unitl the roots begin to peak out the holes in the bottom) and what I do is b/cuz its just a cheap plastic starter-planter type thing, I...
  10. Toker88

    why has this happened ?

    yeah dude-- as the others already stated.... it wasn't quite ready to be outside... better luck next time tho
  11. Toker88

    What's your favorite method to smoke??

    LOL yeah man I took pics w/ my phone so the quality kinda sucks (sorry) but it'll give you the idea.... lol I have included pics of my regular bongs (one looks like a shroom lol), a pic of the bubbler, my Zong and my one of a kind type "L" bong. :D I'm proud... most chicks collect shoes and...
  12. Toker88


    Sorry for your loss man. Best wishes. :weed:
  13. Toker88

    What's your favorite method to smoke??

    lol I use my ...well what my friends and I refer to as a"pisser"... make yourself w/ a water bottle lol... anyways other then that I enjoy one of my several crazy bongs-- my most recent purchase, is a double chamber, 7 perculator bubbler w/ ash catcher... I call him James Bong 007... he is...
  14. Toker88


    Do you have pics???? That would help.... tho it sounds like a male...
  15. Toker88

    Fat Chicks WTF

    Meh thats the thing, whether they're too fat, thin, tall short w/e someone is always going to have an opinion or a judgement. That being said, if you don't like it-- don't look.
  16. Toker88

    Fat Chicks WTF

    Not everyone has the same ideals. I'm a woman who happens to like men with a lil' meat ;) lol and I'm in no way BIG myself, but I'm certainly curvier then the average, which I happen to find very attractive. Without thin, there would be no fat-- the worlds people fall on spectrums, all kinds...
  17. Toker88

    The origin of 420??????

    I've never heard of any of that stuff.... lol... then again I'm in Canada so this could change a few things... From what I heard, 4:20 is just the beginging of spring, therefore symbolizin the begining of the new growing season. I believe the it's the 21st of april thats the first day of...
  18. Toker88

    Wtf is with the search feature?!

    The search usually works for me, but you have to click on the advanced option and fill in the specifics. The tools button however, does fuck all... :S
  19. Toker88

    First Grow...Can someone tell me what this might be!!!!

    I understand-- I was actually doin the same thing for a bit-- not to mention, keeps the hydro bill lower lol. Unfortunately insects are little relentless basturds, if you have spidermites -- you're probably gunna need more then some insecticide soap--- Not to mention, the closer to harvest, the...
  20. Toker88

    First Grow...Can someone tell me what this might be!!!!

    Some insects leave a silverish-wet substance on the surface of the leaves, can look like that. I would inspect the plant thoroughly -- underside of leaves and such. Other then that possibility, do you spray the leaves with something other then water? Or could something be leaking onto it in...