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  1. Toker88

    The many faces of Mary Jane-- +Rep

    Hey people Just wanted to start a thread for all the different things marijuana is used for. Not just getting high (as great as that is) it does do so much more... I already know its used for cancer patients, glaucoma, and certain mood disorders as well...but personally, I'm sure I don't know...
  2. Toker88

    Germination Help Please!

    Indeed, the best thing to do is buy some plain soil/ other medium to make sure your sprout doesn't get burned. I wnt to walmart the morning my seed split and got the miracle grow potting soil, but with a low NPK of (.10, .9, .8) or something like that-- only 5$, or less. Good luck dude.
  3. Toker88

    Germination Help Please!

    lol I did one last week-- put the seed in wet paper towel, put that in a plastic zip-lock bag and put it in a dark cabinet under a hot water bottle lol... the shit worked lol and it sprouted the next day :)
  4. Toker88

    purple stems help plz +rep

    Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but it may help ya. Good luck man!
  5. Toker88

    Doctors say you should drink fluoride

    The article doesn't state that water is toxic... it says that if you drink too much water, it rids the sodium from your body. -- which does, cause death because "Sodium is important for essential processes within the body, including circulation, digestion, metabolism and nerve impulses." (...
  6. Toker88

    Doctors say you should drink fluoride

    Never said it did-- although good oral hygiene can prevent tooth decay, which in turn means the softening of tooth enamel. therefore vicariously, it actually sortof does... ha there, now I've said it...
  7. Toker88

    Doctors say you should drink fluoride

    lol brushing and flossing do that too ;)
  8. Toker88

    Doctors say you should drink fluoride

    I'm saying until I review the article, and inform myself based on knowledge and facts, I not be able to really give you an answer.... however I'm not against fluoride in general, at this point, I just don't want to drink it on a daily basis b/cuz I can't believe that it won't have an effect in...
  9. Toker88

    Doctors say you should drink fluoride

    ....according to who exactly? I don't buy that -- no offense to your point of view, but doctors and dentists etc have been prescribing antibiotics, and medications/chemicals for years, which is why most of the terrible viruses that are making people sick, are now immune to the antibiotics...
  10. Toker88

    you can usually find them at most plant nurseries or hydro shops. one place you can order them...

    you can usually find them at most plant nurseries or hydro shops. one place you can order them is here: Hope that helps :smile:
  11. Toker88

    Tree frogs are alright but they require much more care then the praying mantis, or other variety...

    Tree frogs are alright but they require much more care then the praying mantis, or other variety of beneficial insects. Not to mention, many different species of beneficial bug's larvea eat the eggs and larvea of bad insects, while in the soil. Also they reccomend feeding frogs--flies, mealy...
  12. Toker88

    anybody? ive got catapillars HELP!

    Get some praying Mantis's they will devour the fuckers in no time... plus its fun to watch high lol... Good luck
  13. Toker88

    Took to many pills help me out

    Hey man-- Concerta has a lot of dangerous side effects, as Im sure you're aware of. here is an extract: Contact your doctor if you experience these side effects and they are severe or bothersome. Your pharmacist may be able to advise you on managing side effects. agitation, nervousness...
  14. Toker88

    Lighting Question

    lol, thankx. If by some miracle, it turns out well-- I'll keep you posted. Thankx for the replies :)
  15. Toker88

    Lighting Question

    Hey guys-- I have a plant right now, somehow is growing well, but my set up is very pathetic-- to the point where this plant shouldn't be alive... yet is (somehow) and my question is-- my lighting is... well ...its laughable, I'm using 3 florescent lights and 2 CFL lamps (very low lumens, per...
  16. Toker88

    growing without nutes?

    it may turn out OK but I wouldn't reccomend it... plants need a a butt load of vitamins and nutrients to grow properly--- depending on the soil you have, you may be able to hold off on adding nutes in for a while.... The bottom line tho-- if you want quality smoke, you're gunna have to spend...
  17. Toker88

    Bad Choice?

    then you should be okay for a bit, i'd say. Just make sure you transplant when she runs out of space.
  18. Toker88

    Bad Choice?

    did you poke holes in the bottom for drainage?? If not-- you have a problem...
  19. Toker88

    unidentified insect...with pics.

    I have no idea what kind of bugs those are-- just wanted to say goodluck tho.
  20. Toker88

    plant is not maturing

    HAve you given nutes? PIctures?