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  1. Weedman1108

    LED Noob/Tent Noob

    do you have any other links for cheaper ones? I'm also looking for an led that can grow it from start to finish
  2. Weedman1108

    LED Noob/Tent Noob

    alright guys, so im looking to buy something like this to start it up I want to get an led light so I can avoid temperature issues down the road as far as excessive heat, but I'm not really sure what the best...
  3. Weedman1108

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    alright guys, so im looking to buy something like this to start it up I want to get an led light so I can avoid temperature issues down the road, but I'm...
  4. Weedman1108

    Does this look like anything I should be concerned about ?

    Yeah I realize what I've been doing wrong now, thanks for the help man
  5. Weedman1108

    Does this look like anything I should be concerned about ?

    I have a gh ph kit but the first time I tried to test my nutrient water for the plants it's kept reading the same thing, I swear no matter how much ph up I added it stayed red, but the outside color was green, does that usually happen to you?
  6. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    Well considering the book it came with doesn't say shit about the amount to put on and this is my first time growing what variables do I have to figure this shit out on my own exactly? I wanna get this right so I come on here to ask people with actual experience unlike myself, if you don't wanna...
  7. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    I've decided to just spray them, based on their size what is a good amount to spray, like do i want to cover the whole plant lightly or drench it with spray?
  8. Weedman1108

    Does this look like anything I should be concerned about ?

    Now that I look at the calendar I think its about 2½-3 weeks old, but alright, ill start adding a pinch of Epsom salt to my water
  9. Weedman1108

    Does this look like anything I should be concerned about ?

    Its outside in some happy frog soil, I just use regular water and no nutrients
  10. Weedman1108

    Does this look like anything I should be concerned about ?

    This ones about 3-4 weeks old, I just checked on it yesterday and noticed there was a couple brown spots on some parts of the leaves, should I be concerned about the brown spots? Or do similar things occur normally?
  11. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    Alright so here's my plants as of right now (sorry about the quality of the pictures) but it seems like something is starting to eat holes in all my leafs, should I break out the spray now?
  12. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    alright, I'll clear out the grass so its no less then 5ft away from the plant all the way around.
  13. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    I'll try the peppermint with water for now, probably just gonna get some bt and spray in the budding stage for preventative maintenance when the time comes. And as far as I know there's no pest problem as of right now but the plants are by some tall grass, should I spray the grass for pests?
  14. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    I heard you can plant marigolds to repel pests but they attract spider mites so you have to plant some dill to repel those, anyone familiar with methods like this?
  15. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    So greensurfer, how many times would you recommend me spraying a week right now? or should I wait until August? also where should I apply most of the spray? on the plant? or a little on the plant but mostly surrounding the plant?
  16. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    So instead of spraying directly on the plant could I just spray the area around it? Would that help keep the pests away?
  17. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    So you're saying the stuff I have would do more harm than good?
  18. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    So your saying if I use a method a bunch of other people use too I'm gonna mess up my brain from these chemicals?
  19. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    I just have a bottle of Monterey Garden Insect Spray with Spinosad Concentrate, could I spray everything around it with that?
  20. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    I'm located in Michigan, i'm sure we're gonna have some types of bugs this summer so ill just spray around my plant for safety, then use BT as it starts to bud