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  1. Weedman1108

    Lets Debunk Advanced Nutrients Once and For All, A Guide For Every Noob.

    I've got some dynagro "grow" for vegging so I'll use that up until flowering where I'm trying to use something more aimed at flowering, would you recommend Jackson classic bloom 10-30-20?
  2. Weedman1108

    Are Advanced Nutrients still good?

    would you recommend giving your plants Dyna gro"grow" for vegging and jacks classic bloom for flowering?
  3. Weedman1108

    Liquid nutrients suggestions??

    Have any of you guys tried jacks classic bloom?
  4. Weedman1108

    Liquid nutrients suggestion

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a good nute like for my upcoming grow, it's going to consist of 2-4 plants outdoors, I live in southern Michigan but I doubt that had anything to do with what nutes I should use, anyways I've read some good and bad things about advanced nutrience so I don't know if I'm...
  5. Weedman1108

    Lets Debunk Advanced Nutrients Once and For All, A Guide For Every Noob.

    I realize this thread hasn't been touched in awhile but I'm glad I saw this because next week I was going to order a whole bunch of A.N. Products like big budz, bud candy, b52, and there bloom liquid nutrient bottles, I've tried to do research on the quality of these products and found a couple...
  6. Weedman1108

    Liquid nutrients suggestions??

    Hey guys, I plan on starting an outdoor grow this year in the woods by my house, next weekend I'm going to plant them and was just wondering what you guys might suggest for liquid nutrients and why, I was thinking about going with advanced nutrients but I wanted a second opinion first, also if...
  7. Weedman1108

    Welcome New Members!

    if I'm already using a veg liquid nutrient would it be nessisary to add blood meal once in a while? would these be any benefits?
  8. Weedman1108

    Welcome New Members!

    how wide, deep and long would I want to dig a hole for one plant outdoors?
  9. Weedman1108

    Welcome New Members! would you recommend this guys?
  10. Weedman1108

    Welcome New Members!

    also I was planning on taking my clones out of the house and planing them in the woods, but I've been reading about how your supposed to "harden" your plants so they don't get burnt before you can do that, I was talking to a friend and he said he just put his outside without any hardening and...
  11. Weedman1108

    Welcome New Members!

    Yeah, I remember hearing something like that , I guess miracle grow soil is just shit when it comes to bud for whatever reason, I'm not too familiar with soils from the store so if anyone has had good results and wants to make a suggestion feel free :D, in the meantime ill try to do some reasearch
  12. Weedman1108

    Welcome New Members!

    Could you throw out some recommendations of soil i could pick up at lowes?
  13. Weedman1108

    Welcome New Members!

    Also I'm debating on weather I should buy some soil from Home Depot or lowes or if I should just use the soil that's already in the ground, if I start using nutes right away would it really matter?
  14. Weedman1108

    Welcome New Members!

    would the phosphorous have any negative effects being higher then the nitrogen?
  15. Weedman1108

    Welcome New Members!

    I accidentally bought a nute with 7-9-5 on the front, I don't know which number stands for which element but I know that's not what I want for the first stage of veg growth, I plan on putting my plants in the ground outdoors this weekend but I wanna know what I should do about this nute mix...