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  1. Weedman1108

    Huge mistake/ need some advice

    Well I made a huge mistake by not checking on my plants often enough, never doing that again, but I'm wondering this plant can be saved, all the other ones seemed to have died completely but this ones still got some green on it, what're your guys thoughts?
  2. Weedman1108

    Plants too tall need advice

    When would be the best time to weave them around a post? Near the end of vegging?
  3. Weedman1108

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    So I have two plants growing outdoors would you guys say a windex bottle full of slug/worm repellant is enough for the two or them? I sprayed on the plant but mostly around the plant on the soil and whatnot, was that too much?
  4. Weedman1108

    Is it okay to use stream water to water your plants?

    the only problem with this is if it doesn't need it I basically just walked all that way for nothing, that's why I was looking for more of a general rule for watering, like how every 3 or 4 days? And a gallon per foot?
  5. Weedman1108

    Is it okay to use stream water to water your plants?

    Alright thanks for all the help guys, I bought a bottle of nutes a while ago so I was just gonna use it in hopes it would benefit my plants but I guess I'll just go ahead and not use any, would you suggest bone meal for the veg stage or anything like that?
  6. Weedman1108

    Is it okay to use stream water to water your plants?

    I know I wouldn't have to test the ph with the pond water alone but I was wondering if I would be able to test it if there was liquid nutes in with the pond water?
  7. Weedman1108

    Is it okay to use stream water to water your plants?

    also what a good rule of thumb for watering outdoor plants? I've heard 1 gallon for every foot so if it's 3ft you'd give it three gallons, but I thought that might be a little too much, could anyone help me out :-?
  8. Weedman1108

    Is it okay to use stream water to water your plants?

    I have a ph up and down kit with ph testing liquid, would I be able to add nutes to the pond water and test the ph with the testing liquid or would there be problems with that method?
  9. Weedman1108

    Is it okay to use stream water to water your plants?

    I'm doing a gorilla grow out in the woods it'll get a good days worth of sunlight, I'm just worried about how I'm going to water these without looking suspicious, I was wondering if it'd be okay to use water from the stream near by to feed it as well as just a normal watering, I know it's not...
  10. Weedman1108

    Plants too tall need advice

    Yeah it's an outdoor grow, and alright could I just put a couple wooden posts in the groud and weave the plant around that?
  11. Weedman1108

    Plants too tall need advice

    So I've come to the conclusion that my plants may become so tall that they start to attract unnessasary attention (neighbors) I've seen a couple people who tie their plants to a stick to fix that problem but would that affect my yeild at all? What stage of the growing cycle would I want to tie...
  12. Weedman1108

    Nute help/suggestions please

    I heard most of advanced nutrients products are a scam, I've never used any of them myself but I've read a lot of negative things about them on this site.
  13. Weedman1108

    Nute help/suggestions please

    So if i did buy the blood and kelp meal how much of each would I want to add to let say 1.5-2.0 cubic feet of happy frog soil? any suggestions on what I should buy when budding time comes? I'd guess bone meal for budding based on what I know but this is my very first grow
  14. Weedman1108

    Nute help/suggestions please
  15. Weedman1108

    What's the best place to buy nutrients online

    I'd say amazon if you have prime, they've had everything I was looking for so far.
  16. Weedman1108

    Nute help/suggestions please

    Hey guys, so basically I'm using a liquid nutrient (dynagrow 7-9-5) for the vegging stage with some fox farm happy tree frog soil, I'll probably use some jacks classic bloom booster during flowering but anyways I was wondering if adding some bone, blood, or kelp meal would benefit my plants at...
  17. Weedman1108

    Too late for seeds?

    Well this really helped me, I was starting to worry it was gonna be too late for me to start my clones outdoors but it looks like I still have a lot of time left :hump: first outdoor grow by the way
  18. Weedman1108

    Adjusting your nutrient strength

    Alright guys, so I've came across a couple of post talking about how when you start giving your plants nutrients you should start with 1/4 the strength it says to use on the bottle, I imagine this is so you don't give your plants too much of a potent feeding but maybe someone with some...
  19. Weedman1108

    Liquid nutrients suggestions??

    I'm not going to have time to prepare some organic soil I figured liquid nutrients would be better then nothing
  20. Weedman1108

    Lets Debunk Advanced Nutrients Once and For All, A Guide For Every Noob.

    also I'm growing outside and I'm under the impression I need some worm/slug killer to spray on and around the plant during vegging, would do you think?