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  1. Weedman1108

    Self Drip Irrigation System

    I would like to make a couple self drip irrigation systems using 1 gallon jugs, I've been reading about them but nobody really says when you need to re fill them, the location i'm going to be putting them is a good distance from my house so im just trying to be efficient and make as little trips...
  2. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    So as long as it's in veg stage it'll be good to use spinosad without the buds ending up tasting like shit? How long should I use bt for when it starts budding? Also how much spinosad mix do you recommend me putting on a young plant, maybe about 3 weeks old
  3. Weedman1108

    Huge mistake/ need some advice

    Yeah that's exactly what I'm doing now, just had a bunch of seeds my friend gave to me so now it's round 2, I don't know anything about the seeds though that's why I was wondering if anything can be done to higher the chances of a female but I guess we'll just have to see
  4. Weedman1108

    Huge mistake/ need some advice

    Im confused is the node the circular set of leaves or all the sets?
  5. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    im just wondering when I should start using this and if I should once or all throughout the veg stage, It came with a booklet but like I said theres not much in there about cannabis plants
  6. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice Would something like this work? because that's what I have
  7. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    I've heard different, but it's more of a all around repellent for slugs and bugs also, I bought this because most people in the "yup, it's budworm season" thread mentioned that it does help a lot to have repellant
  8. Weedman1108

    Worm repellant advice

    Hey guys, my plants are still pretty young, I'm wondering when I should break out the repellant, it came with a booklet but it doesn't say much about cannibis plants, also do you guys spray them multiple times throughout the veg stage or does one time do the job? Thanks guys
  9. Weedman1108

    Ph pen advice

    The only ph perfect stuff I know of is an advanced nutrience brand so I'm deffinatly not buying that
  10. Weedman1108

    Ph pen advice

    so if I were to buy a ph pen what all would I need to calibrate it and what not?
  11. Weedman1108

    Ph pen advice

    id rather just use a pen anyways, could you recommend any reliable brands?
  12. Weedman1108

    Ph pen advice

    I added more then enough "ph up" for it to at least change the color and it stayed the same color each time, how much ph up am I supposed to be putting in at a time? I was under the impression it was a little bit at a time
  13. Weedman1108

    Ph pen advice

    I bought the ph up and down kit which came with a liquid ph indicator, I went to indicate my ph and I can't help but think it's incredibly inaccurate, it was the same reading three times in a row which was nearly impossible so I know the readings are shit, any of you guys that use ph pens...
  14. Weedman1108

    Huge mistake/ need some advice

    Was it "killing it" lmao, and I've heard from multiple people that you can "break" something or twist something at the top of the plant and that will give it a better chance at becoming a female? Sound familiar to you guys?
  15. Weedman1108

    Huge mistake/ need some advice

    Yeah, I understand I still have a lot of learning to do when it comes to this, I've been mostly looking at feeding and how much (if any) amounts of water to give it, just stuff I feel like I need to know for this to work out, I did make the mistake of relying on the weather channel saying it was...
  16. Weedman1108

    Huge mistake/ need some advice

    Alright, I've already got some seedlings in a couple red solo cups that've been sprouted for about 2 weeks, I'll put them in the actually ground once they get a little more stable
  17. Weedman1108

    Huge mistake/ need some advice

    Damn, well thanks for the help guys and luckily I have some seeds I could start off still, it wouldn't be too late in the season to start seeds right?
  18. Weedman1108

    Plants too tall need advice

    No I plan on starting over
  19. Weedman1108

    Huge mistake/ need some advice

    What exactly is a node?
  20. Weedman1108

    Huge mistake/ need some advice

    Does this one have a node? I'm not too familiar all the terms yet