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  1. JohnWayneCFC please

    If i was you , i wouldent risk it , i would just pull them and take what you get , but thats just me , id rather smoke it in the stage it is in now ,instead of smoking it or throwing it out because of mold , thats just my opinion tho
  2. JohnWayneCFC

    plant leaves drooping bad need help fixing problem

    Looks like you just overwatered , or might not have watered enuff , what i would do is wait till the soil drys up , the best way to tell when to water is when you stick your finger into the soil and it feels dry , if it only feels dry on the top and it feels moist/wet inside where you stuck your...
  3. JohnWayneCFC

    Anybody Know Ways To Quick Dry?

    Yo , im just woundering if anyone has any info on how to quickly dry buds , i dont want to put them in the oven or microwave ive just been putting them on my dvd player , but does anyone know a faster way? besides hanging , i know i should just be patient with it since ive waited so long anyway...
  4. JohnWayneCFC

    Help With Light Setup!

    yeah my grow box is cardboard , an im very aware that cardboard is like the worst thing to use lmao , im just using it to start them off then im putting them outside , i dont actually plan on flowering in there or anything like that and my pots have little plates underneath them so when the...
  5. JohnWayneCFC

    Help With Light Setup!

    Anyone...? lol
  6. JohnWayneCFC

    Help With Light Setup!

    K , i just cant seem to get this right , everytime i set my lights up one way , i have a hard time trying to posision the other light right , and then when i try somthing new i have a problem with two lights being posisioned , its frustrateing yet looks like it should be simple lol , i have one...
  7. JohnWayneCFC

    Newbie ventilation question

    you dont "have" to get fresh air from outside , but it would help , i got a grow box and all i did was got 2 pc fans and put one fan blowing into the grow box and another fan on the other side blowing it out of the box and its just sucking in air from the same room just curculateing the air so...
  8. JohnWayneCFC

    What is bagseed?

    I know you aint bitchin , i was just sayin , most ppl who fight on here bitch about whos right an wrong an whos better then who an all that shit ,but its good to get a good laugh , just some ppl take things way to seriously (not meaning you guys) , if you guys are just have'n fun by all means go...
  9. JohnWayneCFC

    What is bagseed?

    my opinion , i think you still got a chance of getting females from a hermie but im pretty sure you also got a chance of getting male or hermie , but what i would do is just clone the hermie cuz "i think" you got a better chance that way , not sure tho , im no expert , plus ive never gottin a...
  10. JohnWayneCFC

    Is this little light setup I have safe?

    Looks pretty safe to me! lol , id use it haha
  11. JohnWayneCFC

    What is bagseed?

    K , Luda's got is opinions and everyone else has there own , ya'll should just leave it at that , who cares , bagseed this , bagseed that , weeds weed , luda was just sayin he smokes some crazy ass weed so he doesnt get seeds in his , and some of us happen to get seeds once in a wile , who cares...
  12. JohnWayneCFC

    oldman that a grow fan help me out

    Id say atleast a few ounces , i donno how many plants you got lol , but looks real good!
  13. JohnWayneCFC

    Will these lights work an how to keep bugs away (outdoors)

    lol , everything seems to be fine but the only problem im having is everything is pretty much crammed in my grow box and i cant get the lights close enuff to the bulbs and is cousing streching , just a a little bump ive been stuck on for a few days now... kinda sucks , dident think when i was...
  14. JohnWayneCFC

    Will these lights work an how to keep bugs away (outdoors)

    I got 2 6500k cfl's , 1 Gro-Lux floro , and one random aquarium light im just woundering if that would be enuff light to get a decent grow , nothin hardcore as its only for personal use , but i would like a decent yeild , money's real tight so im just using what i got for now , im only using...
  15. JohnWayneCFC

    What is bagseed?

    lol....say you go out an get a bag of dope , and you find a few seeds in it that look grow-able.....that would be bagseed
  16. JohnWayneCFC

    Hows my New Setup???

    nah man you dident say anything mean , atleast i dident take any affence to it , cuz i already know i probably wont get much with that little grow box lol , thanks for all the feedback guys , it helps alot!
  17. JohnWayneCFC

    Hows my New Setup???

    well i got 2 more fans so im pretty sure im good to go , i got 2 intakes on the front and 2 out-takes on the sides and my lights are only on 18/6 so i shouldent have anything to worry about, this is only my indoor grow , i got like 12 more plants outside , so im not really worried about how much...
  18. JohnWayneCFC

    Hows my New Setup???

    true that lol , and you have a happy grow too! , if anyone has any info that could help me would be really greatful!
  19. JohnWayneCFC

    How they look for first timmer?

    see where the shady spots are on your plants?...well trim the leafs around that so theres more light getting at the buds, gotta get light all in those things!
  20. JohnWayneCFC

    Hows my New Setup???

    Ight , so i just made a new setup , it kinda sucks cuz i used cardboard for walls , but this is my setup - One 20W Gro-Lux / Aquarium Wide Spectrum - One Random Aquarium Light - Two 6500k Cfl's - One Temp & Humidity Gage - Two PC Fans The only problem i have right now is the CFL's...