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  1. JohnWayneCFC

    Can You Trim Roots??

    I made a post earlier but i got no feedback , i was just woundering if you can trim the roots if you cant transplant into a bigger pot , i herd that you can aslong as you dont trim the main root and i have a small/tall grow box but it only fits a certain size pot witch i think is 8" but just...
  2. JohnWayneCFC

    how far should the light be???

    i have my lights 2 inches away just like urs an i havent had any problems , it would also depend on what kind of cfls ur using , im using 6500k cfls
  3. JohnWayneCFC

    how far should the light be???

    im growing with 2 cfls aswell , but it would be better if there were pics , it would help so we know what ur talkin about
  4. JohnWayneCFC

    Quick question about Potting and Rutes!!

    K , so i was talking to my father and hes been growing legally for a few years now and he told me that if your plant gets rute bound you can "trim" the roots , but just dont trim the main root , and i was just woundering if there is any trueth to that? i know i should obviously listen to him...
  5. JohnWayneCFC

    Do I Keep My Fans On 24/7??? Kinda Confused!

    well i turnd my fans back on and the temp dropped down to 67 , and im gonna keep an eye on it , whats the lowest you guys think it should drop too ? , the hole reason i asked about keeping my fans on was because i have one plant in a grow box i made and i have a hole bunch outside , but i just...
  6. JohnWayneCFC

    Do I Keep My Fans On 24/7??? Kinda Confused!

    lol , no i mean my temp is in between 70 and 80 , so i ment to say is it ok it drops in between 50 and 60? , dident mean to put the percent thing there haha
  7. JohnWayneCFC

    Do I Keep My Fans On 24/7??? Kinda Confused!

    So it would be alright if my temp drops to in between 50 an 60% then?
  8. JohnWayneCFC

    Transplanting question <---noob

    Just digg around the plant and keep some of the soil thats around it but befor hand make sure you already have the pot that you are transplanting to set up , and then make a hole so that you can put the plant in it , i wouldent suggest using gardening tools cuz theres a chances you could hurt...
  9. JohnWayneCFC

    Do I Keep My Fans On 24/7??? Kinda Confused!

    Alright , so i read somewhere that your temp in your grow box should Drop 20% when lights are off , and my grow box temp is in between 70 and 80 and my humidity is between 40 and 50 , and doesnt drop when the lights are off , i was just woundering if im sapose to keep my fans running so that the...
  10. JohnWayneCFC

    Will This Soil Work??

    and im deff not a discriminating grower lmao , its just what the discription says haha
  11. JohnWayneCFC

    Will This Soil Work??

    lol , well do you think it would work?, i got like 3 huge bags of it and ive never used it befor and id rather not have my plants gettin all screw'd up an have to start over lol
  12. JohnWayneCFC

    Will This Soil Work??

    Will this soil work ? here is the description Agro Mix PV20 - 3.8 cu ft Bale High quality screened peat moss Perlite and vermiculite Nutrient charge, lime and wetting agent Ph range 5.5 - 6.5 Scientifically developed Improve your performance Professional support Consistent quality Used by...
  13. JohnWayneCFC

    Does this all look right??

    i just get scetchy sometimes cuz the leaf's sometimes droop a little and when it was smaller the leafs use to point up really nice , and i havent gave it any nutes or anything yet , so i thought id see what everyone else thinks of it lol , but thank you all for the feedback , it really helps!
  14. JohnWayneCFC

    Does this all look right??

    K , so im doing a cfl grow , i got one plant in this grow box i setup , i got more plants in a bigger grow box , and im just woundering if this all looks right i have 2 6500k cfl's exactly 2 inches away from the top of the plant, any feedback would be greatly apreachiated!
  15. JohnWayneCFC

    Help!! What should thr Temp and Humidity be in my grow box?

    ight thanks bro , im only in veg right now , so i wont have to worry about it for a bit , but im gonna get all that soon so i dont have to worry bout it later on , thanks for the feed back
  16. JohnWayneCFC

    Help!! What should thr Temp and Humidity be in my grow box?

    do you have any ideas on how i can get the temp and humidity down? , cuz it says its at 75 and the humidity is at 50
  17. JohnWayneCFC

    Help!! What should thr Temp and Humidity be in my grow box?

    hey , can anyone tell me what my temp and humidity should be in my grow box? cuz i just bought a thermometer and it shows temp and humidity and i just wanna make sure i get it right , any ideas?
  18. JohnWayneCFC

    K...Ummm...Is This Normal For A Plant???

    thanks bro , thats very releaving to hear!
  19. JohnWayneCFC

    K...Ummm...Is This Normal For A Plant???

    Yo , so i just took a quite look at my plant (shes sapose to be sleeping) so i had to be quick , and i noticed a little bit of purple on the top of my plant , and its starting to smell like dope , im not worried about the smell , i dont really care if it smells , im just worried if its to young...
  20. JohnWayneCFC

    First grow, filing cabinet - need advice

    Yo , that sounds like a decent setup , but you should get some pics of it , and you dont even need to worry about the smell till the plants get bigger so right now you dont need any of the insence or any of that , and i wouldent have that stuff on the inside of your setup , have it on the...